Bailing Out Benji is a national nonprofit organization that exists to provide transparency into the puppy mill industry. We forensically audit government health records and inspection reports in order to connect puppy mills and commercial dog breeders to the various outlets in which they sell. We pay for many of these documents and then make them available for free on our website and to the public in order to provide the transparency that the public deserves before buying a puppy.
To see our pet store and online broker research, click here.
According to the USDA: An inspection report documents an inspector’s observations and professional assessments of compliance at facilities regulated under the AWA. Below we have compiled a list of all of the USDA dog breeders and brokers that have had violations in Quarter 4 of 2023.
This time period is from October 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023.
Editors note: USDA inspectors have 5 days to give a copy of their inspection to the licensee and 30 days to publish their reports online. There may be additional facilities we add to this list once more inspection reports are added to the database.
Omitted from these violations are missed inspections, unless those missed inspections are habitual. The list below also only reflects dog and cat breeders and brokers (licenses A and B).
This list of violations below was obtained from the USDA APHIS search engine. Any pet store connections were obtained from various state departments of agriculture.
You can view our previous Quarterly Violation Reports here.
If you have any questions about the breeders listed on this report or our methodology for obtaining this information, please email our research analyst: Alexis Bell,

This time period is from October 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023.
Heart of Alabama: Save, Rescue, Adopt (HASRA) (24 adult dogs and 2 puppies). Florence, Alabama- At the time of their November 1, 2023, USDA routine inspection, HASRA received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and housing facilities. Heart of Alabama Save Rescue Adopt 11.1.23
Elisa Brandvik. Ozark, Arkansas- Brandvik received an Administrative Complaint stemming from violations received in 2022 and 2023. Elisa Brandvik Administrative Complaint
Nicholas Batiste (4 puppies). Fort Lauderdale, Florida- At the time of their October 11, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Batiste received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. Nicholas Batiste 10.11.23
David Miller (11 adult dogs and 2 puppies). Arthur, Illinois- At the time of their December 18, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Miller received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and records. Prior to this inspection, Miller’s facility had not been inspected since May 2021. David Miller 12.18.23
Steven Steines, SOS Exotic Cats (4 adult cats, 4 servals). Alpha, Illinois- At the time of their November 9, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Steines received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and contingency planning. Steven Steines 11.9.23
Albert Miller (17 adult dogs and 5 puppies). Middlebury, Indiana- At the time of their December 20, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Miller received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to compatible grouping. Albert Miller 12.20.23
Ernest Yoder, Prestige Pets AKA Misty Meadows Kennel (108 adult dogs and 116 puppies). Topeka, Indiana- At the time of their October 12, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Yoder received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to primary enclosures and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Michigan and to the online broker PuppySpot. Ernest Yoder 10.12.23
Gary Lambright, Elite Hoosier Pets LLC AKA Rock Run Kennels (30 adult dogs and 29 puppies). Indianapolis, Indiana- At the time of their October 30, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Elite Hoosier Pets received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. The USDA address for Elite Hoosier Pets is a UPS store and is used by multiple facilities. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 3 states. Elite Hoosier Pets 10.30.23
Harley Schmucker (24 adult dogs and 34 puppies). Wolcottville, Indiana- At the time of their October 17, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Schmucker received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification and outdoor housing facilities. Harley Schmucker 10.17.23
Hilltop Pups LLC (34 adult dogs and 66 puppies). Jasper, Indiana- At the time of their December 20, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Hilltop Pups received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Hilltop Pups 12.20.23
John D. Riehl Jr (24 adult dogs and 54 puppies). Wolcottville, Indiana- At the time of their October 13, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Riehl received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and time and method of identification. John D. Riehl Jr 10.13.23
Keith Miller, Dallas Park Pets LLC (31 adult dogs and 22 puppies). Indianapolis, Indiana- At the time of their October 17, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Dallas Park Pets received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to watering. The USDA address for Dallas Park Pets is a UPS store and is used by multiple facilities. Dallas Park Pets 10.17.23
Karen Miller, Rowe Eden Kennels AKA Woffer Kennels. Middlebury, Indiana- On November 29, 2023, Miller received 1 critical violation for denying an inspector access to inspect the kennel building. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 5 states and to the broker JAKS. Karen Miller 11.29.23
Larry D. Stutzman (3 adult dogs). Shipshewana, Indiana- At the time of their October 19, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Stutzman received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to records, and housing facilities. Larry D. Stutzman 10.19.23
Norman Schmucker & William Schrock, Sandy Acres Kennel (16 adult dogs and 18 puppies). La Grange, Indiana- At the time of their October 5, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Sandy Acres Kennel received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Florida and Michigan. Sandy Acres Kennel 10.5.23
Russell T. Miller, Jen D. Lee, Enos Miller, Winn Dixie Kennel LLC AKA Puppy Tale Kennel (40 adult dogs and 26 puppies). Goshen, Indiana- At the time of their October 2, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, WInn Dixie Kennel received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Illinois. Winn Dixie Kennel 10.2.23
Vernon Lambright & Kathryn Lambright, Peaceful Hollow Pets AKA Clearspring Kennels (86 adult dogs and 36 puppies). Wolcottville, Indiana- At the time of their December 6, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Lambrights received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 3 states and to the broker JAKS. Vernon Lambright & Kathryn Lambright 12.6.23
Dennis Van Wyk & Donna Van Wyk, Prairie Lane Kennel (32 adult dogs and 10 puppies). New Sharon, Iowa- The Van Wyks also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their December 6, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Van Wyks received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities and watering. Dennis Van Wyk & Donna Van Wyk 12.6.23
Ed Van Doorn, Squaw Creek Kennels (114 adult dogs and 50 puppies). Barnes City, Iowa- At the time of their November 1, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Ed Van Doorn received 1 critical violation for health certification and identification, and 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and veterinary care for dogs. Van Doorn received an Official USDA Warning stemming from a violation received on November 1, 2023. Bailing Out Benji filed a complaint against Van Doorn on January 9, 2023, due to concerns that he is neutering dogs on his own and signing off on Certificates of Veterinary Inspection even though he is not a licensed veterinarian, which is fraudulent practice under Iowa’s Veterinary Practice Code. The Mahaska Co. Sheriff’s Office responded that they and the County Attorney’s Office opened an investigation of this facility and its owner. Ed Van Doorn 11.1.23 USDA Warning Ed Van Doorn 12.14.23
Elias H. Mast, Shady Ridge Kennels (28 adult dogs and 19 puppies). Bloomfield, Iowa- Mast also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their October 23, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Mast received 1 repeat non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 5 states. Elias H. Mast 10.23.23
Heath Meyers, Century Farm Puppies (131 adult dogs and 104 puppies). Grundy Center, Iowa- Meyers also received violations in Quarters 1 and 3 of 2023, including an official warning. At the time of their October 19, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Meyers received 2 repeat non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities and veterinary care for dogs. Heath Meyers 10.19.23
Helene Hamrick, Wolf Point Kennel (48 adult dogs and 6 puppies). Ackworth, Iowa- Hamrick also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their October 12, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Hamrick received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and veterinary care for dogs. At the time of their December 5, 2023 inspection, Hamrick received 3 violations pertaining to housing facilities, cleaning, sanitization and received a repeat violation for veterinary care. Helene Hamrick 10.12.23 Helene Hamrick 12.5.23
Henry Detweiler, Detweilers Kennel (21 adult dogs and 7 puppies). Fairbank, Iowa- Detweiler also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their October 26, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Detweiler received 1 direct violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs and 3 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification, use of tags, and records. On December 4, 2023, during another routine inspection, Detweiler received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Detweiler received an Official USDA Warning stemming from a violation received on October 26, 2023. This facility has since canceled his USDA license. Henry Detweiler 10.26.23Henry Detweiler 12.4.23USDA Warning Henry Detweiler 12.7.23
James E. Yoder & Sarah Yoder, Taylor Ridge Kennel LLC (22 adult dogs and 10 puppies). Bloomfield, Iowa- At the time of their December 26, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Taylor Ridge Kennel received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 11 states. Taylor Ridge Kennel 12.26.23
JoAnna Newswanger & Marvin Newswanger, Maple Tree Kennels (287 adult dogs and 175 puppies). Alta Vista, Iowa- At the time of their November 1, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, the Newswangers received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to compatible grouping. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 7 states. JoAnna Newswanger & Marvin Newswanger 11.1.23
Karen Brumm & Douglas Brumm, Ashland Farm (30 adult dogs and 6 puppies). Saint Ansgar, Iowa- At the time of their October 25, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Brumms received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Karen Brumm & Douglas Brumm 10.25.23
Kerri Shondel, Shondel Puppy Paws (10 adult dogs and 13 puppies). Moulten, Iowa- At the time of their December 11, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Shondel received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Florida. Kerri Shondel 12.11.23
Marvin Troyer, Quarter Lane Kennel (50 adult dogs and 35 puppies). Bloomfield, Iowa- At the time of their November 21, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Troyer received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Connecticut and Virginia. Marvin Troyer 11.21.23
Freeman Helmuth, Sunrise Kennels LLC (51 adult dogs and 18 puppies). Corydon, Iowa- Sunrise Kennels also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their November 7, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Sunrise Kennels received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. Sunrise Kennels LLC 11.7.23
Wuanita Swedlund (102 adult dogs and 55 puppies). Cantrill, Iowa- At the time of their December 21, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Swedlund received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. During a focused inspection on December 21, 2023, Swedlund received 1 critical violation pertaining to handling of animals and 8 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, records, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. Bailing Out Benji filed a complaint against Swedlund with the Van Buren county sheriff and county attorney on Janaury 25, 2024, due to the concerning story of neglect and torture happening at Wuanita Swedlund’s facility as her care has resulted in the death and mutilation of multiple puppies. The Van Buren Chief Deputy responded back that the facility was being investigated. In 2024, Swedlund also received a USDA warning for their violations. Wuanita Swedlund 12.21.23 (1) ; Wuanita Swedlund 12.21.23 ; USDA Warning Waunita Swedlund
Michelleen Horning, F&M Corgis. Mulberry, Kansas- Horning received an Official USDA Warning stemming from a violation received on September 28, 2023. USDA Warning Michelleen Horning 11.30.23
Nicole Pultz, Pultz’s Kennels (55 adult dogs and 46 puppies). Onaga, Kansas- At the time of their October 26, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Pultz received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Nicole Pultz 10.26.23
Phyllis Goodell, KitKatKorner (8 adult cats). Colony, Kansas- At the time of their December 5, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Goodell received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. Phyllis Goodell 12.5.23
Roger Shilling, Prarie Ridge Kennel (23 adult dogs and 4 puppies). Westphalia, Kansas- At the time of their October 31, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Shilling received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Shilling also received a violation in 2022. Roger Shilling 10.31.23
Beverly Hargis, Hargis’ Sunshine Kennels. Hallsville, Missouri- Hargis also received violations in Quarter 3 of 2023. At the time of their December 6, 2023, USDA attempted inspection, Hargis received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to access and inspection of records and property. Beverly Hargis 10.6.23
Charles McGinnis & Debbi McGinnis, Monarchs Kennel (27 adult dogs and 4 puppies). Bolivar, Missouri- The McGinnis’s also received violations in Quarters 1 and 2 of 2023. At the time of their October 3, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the McGinnis’ received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. On November 2, 2023, during another USDA routine inspection, the McGinnis’ received 1 direct violation pertaining to watering and 4 non-critical violations pertaining to records, housing facilities, and outdoor housing facilities. On November 7, 2023, during another USDA routine inspection, the McGinnis’ received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities again. Charles McGinnis & Debbi McGinnis 10.3.23 ; Charles McGinnis & Debbi McGinnis 11.2.23 ; Charles McGinnis & Debbi McGinnis 11.7.23
Cody Zimmerman, Z-6 Kennels (46 adult dogs and 10 puppies). Seymour, Missouri- Zimmerman also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their November 6, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Zimmerman received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Cody Zimmerman 11.6.23
Cory Mincey, Cory’s Cuties AKA Puppy Love Kennel. Elkland, Missouri- Mincey received an Administrative Complaint stemming from violations he received between 2019 and 2020. This facility has also been banned from selling puppies for 8 years by the state of Missouri. Cory Mincey Administrative Complaint
Darian Clayton, Clayton Farms Australian Shepherds (46 adult dogs and 34 puppies). Caulfield, Missouri- At the time of their November 30, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Clayton received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to outdoor housing facilities. Darian Clayton 11.30.23
Donna Taber, Jet Kennels (85 adult dogs and 45 puppies). Wasola, Missouri- Taber also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their November 8, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Taber received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. Donna Taber 11.8.23
Ellen Roberts, Rocky Top K-9s (106 adult dogs and 47 puppies). West Plaines, Missouri- At the time of their October 31, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Roberts received 6 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, housing facilities, outdoor housing facilities, and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Roberts also received violations in in Quarters 1 and 2 of 2022. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Minnesota and Florida. Ellen Roberts 10.31.23
Joann Cash (22 adult dogs and 14 puppies). Nevada, Missouri- Cash also received a violation in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their November 1, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Cash received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Joann Cash 11.1.23
Joyce Walters, Select Pets (14 adult dogs and 2 puppies). Anderson, Missouri- Walters also received violations in Quarters 1 and 2 of 2023. At the time of their December 22, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Walters received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in New Jersey. Joyce Walters 12.22.23
Julie Purvis, Queen of Puppy Love. Camdenton, Missouri- On October 17, 2023, Purvis received a violation for operating as a broker without a valid USDA license. Purvis was licensed as a broker previously, but canceled said license October 5, 2017. Julie Purvis 10.17.23
Katie A. Gingerich (22 adult dogs). Bethany, Missouri- At the time of their Decemeber 1, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Gingerich received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to sheltered housing facilities and primary enclosures. Katie A. Gingerich 12.1.23
Maureen Butler, PugPekinPoo-Tzu (180 adult dogs and 34 puppies). West Plains, Missouri- At the time of their October 26, 2023, USDA routine inspection, PugPekinPoo-Tzu received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and veterinary care for dogs. PugPekinPoo Tzu 10.26.23
Teresa Rauch, Ratepa Kennels (68 adult dogs and 53 puppies). Bolivar, Missouri- Rauch also received violations in Quarters 1 and 2 of 2023. At the time of their November 21, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Rauch received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to primary enclosures. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in Connecticut. Teresa Rauch 11.21.23
Vicki Burden, B&H Kennels (35 adult dogs and 34 puppies). Dora, Missouri- Burden also received a violation during Quarter 3 of 2023. At the time of their December 28, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Burden received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to time and method of identification. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in Texas.Vickie Burden 12.18.23
John Troyer, Andrew Troyer, Jim Troyer, Troyer Kennel (18 adult dogs and 25 puppies). Milford, Nebraska- At the time of their October 10, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, the Troyers received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and contingency planning. John Troyer, Andrew Troyer, and Jim Troyer 10.10.23
Boris Petkov, Desert Rats Kennel (15 adult dogs). Las Vegas, Nevada- Petkov also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their December 14, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Petkov received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Boris Petkov 12.14.23
Munoz LLC AKA Pet Kingdom. North Las Vegas, Nevada- At the time of their Bovember 30, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Munoz LLC received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to requirements and application. The violation notes that “licensee sold this business location with covered animals to new ownership. APHIS Animal Care was not notified within at least 90 days of this change as required.” Munoz LLC 11.30.23
New York
Amos Jay Petersheim, Twin Pine Kennels (29 adult dogs and 25 puppies). Canajoharie, New York- At the time of their November 28, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Petersheim received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification and primary enclosures. Amos Jay Petersheim 11.28.23
Arthur L. Schmucker (27 adult dogs and 40 puppies). Clyde, New York- At the time of their October 3, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Schmucker received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. Arthur L. Schmucker 10.3.23
Christian B. Lapp, Busy B Farm (41 adult dogs and 6 puppies). Fort Plain, New York- At the time of their December 27, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Lapp received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities and primary enclosures. Christian B. Lapp 12.27.23
Joseph Schmucker (17 adult dogs and 16 puppies). Clyde, New York- At the time of their October 3, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Schmucker received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to records and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Joseph Schmucker 10.3.23
Lawrence Weaver, Crystal View Kennels (44 adult dogs and 9 puppies). Dundee, New York- At the time of their December 19, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Weaver received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to primary enclosures. Lawrence Weaver 12.19.23
North Carolina
Lois Baker (45 adult dogs and 9 puppies). Andrews, North Carolina- Baker also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. On December 20, 2023, Baker received 1 non-critical violation for an attempted inspection. At the time of their December 20, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Baker received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and 2 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification and housing facilities. Lois Baker 12.1.23 Lois Baker 12.20.23
Barb Troyer (15 adult dogs and 26 puppies). Walhonding, Ohio- At the time of their October 20, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Troyer received 1 critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and 3 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, records, and veterinary care. Troyer received an Official USDA Warning stemming from a violation received on October 30, 2023. Barb Troyer 10.30.23 USDA Warning Barb Troyer 12.14.23
David R. Yoder, Creekside Kennels (31 adult dogs and 33 puppies). Fresno, Ohio- At the time of their October 31, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Yoder received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Florida. David R. Yoder 10.31.23
Eli D. Hostetler (39 adult dogs and 42 puppies). Holmesville, Ohio- Hostetler also received violations in Quarters 2 and 3 of 2023. On December 18, 2023, Hostetler received 1 non-critical violation for an attempted inspection. Eli D. Hostetler 12.18.23
Happy Tail Pets LLC (251 adult dogs and 50 puppies). Millersburg, Ohio- Happy Tail Pets also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their November 28, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Happy Tail Pets received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. Happy Tail Pets 11.28.23
Henry W. Yoder (35 adult dogs and 16 puppies). Millersburg, Ohio- At the time of their November 29, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Yoder received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Henry Yoder 11.29.23
John Garman (108 adult dogs and 59 puppies). Plymouth, Ohio- Garman also received violations in Quarter 3 of 2023. At the time of their October 18, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Garman received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and 2 non-critical violations pertaining to contingency planning and veterinary care for dogs. Garman received an Official USDA Warning stemming from a violation received on October 18, 2023. This facility has since canceled their license. John Garman 10.18.23 USDA Warning John Garman 11.30.23
Johnny Hostetler (14 adult dogs and 8 puppies). Howard, Ohio- Hostetler also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their December 4, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Hostetler received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Johnny Hostetler 12.4.23
Leroy E. Yoder, Mohawk Kennels. Walhonding, Ohio- Yoder received an Official USDA Warning stemming from a violation received on July 17, 2023. USDA Warning Leroy E. Yoder
Nathan Miller, Paws Forever (18 adult dogs and 16 puppies). Millersburg, Ohio- At the time of their December 5, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Miller received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Nathan Miller 12.5.23
Puppy Blvd (22 adult dogs and 13 puppies). Dundee, Ohio- Puppy Blvd also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their November 7, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Puppy Blvd received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and housing facilities. Puppy Blvd also received violations in 2022. Puppy Blvd 11.7.23
Sam E. Mast (22 adult dogs and 11 puppies). Fresno, Ohio- At the time of their October 26, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Mast received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to Veterinary care for dogs. Sam Mast 10.26.23
Sunrise Puppies (35 adult dogs and 48 puppies). Dundee, Ohio- At the time of their Decmber 14, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Sunrise Puppies received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to primary enclosures. Sunrise Puppies 12.14.23
Sunrise Pups LLC (49 puppies). Ostrander, Ohio- Sunrise Pups also received violations in Quarters 2 and 3 of 2023. At the time of their December 7, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Sunrise Pups received 2 non-critcal violations pertaining to records and veterinary care for dogs. Sunrise Pups LLC 12.7.23
Angela Weaver. Howe, Oklahoma- Weaver received a non-critical violation for an attempted inspection. Weaver has received 6 violations this year for 6 attempted inspections. They have not been inspected since 2021 when they were licensed and have had a total of 7 attempted inspections since then. Weaver received an Administrative Complaint due to her failure to provide access for inspection six times since December 16, 2022. Angela Weaver 11.1.23 Angela Weaver Administrative Complaint
Lavisha Savannahs (21 adult cats, 10 kittens, and 4 servals). Dillsburg, Pennsylvania- At the time of their November 1, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Lavisha Savannahs received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. Lavish Savannahs 11.1.23
Matthew Stoltzfus, Millwood Puppies LLC (101 adult dogs and 95 puppies). Gap, Pennsylvania- At the time of their October 2, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Millwood Puppies received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. Millwood Puppies also received violations in 2022. Millwood Puppies LLC 10.2.23
Samuel F. Stoltzfus, S&R Kennel (55 adult dogs and 40 puppies). Gordonville, Pennsylvania- At the time of their October 16, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Stoltzfus received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Samuel F. Stoltzfus 10.16.23
South Carolina
Whale Branch Animal Services Inc (172 adult dogs and 15 adult cats). Seabrook, South Carolina- At the time of their November 8, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Whale Branch Animals Services received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to veterinary care for dogs and facilities, outdoor. Whale Branch Animal Services Inc 11.8.23
South Dakota
Tamara Schanzenbach, Pets N Stuff (1 puppy). Mobridge, South Dakota- At the time of their November 27, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Schanzenbach received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to procurement of dogs, cats, and other animals. Tamara Schanzenbach 11.27.23
Heather Fillipetti, Allison Hollow Kennel (105 adult dogs and 127 puppies). Carthage, Tennessee- At the time of their October 18, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Allison Hollow Kennel received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. Allison Hollow Kennel 10.18.23
Joshua Smith & Barbara Smith (12 adult dogs). Clarksville, Tennessee- At the time of their October 30, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Smiths received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, records, and veterinary care for dogs. This facility has since canceled their license. Joshua Smith & Barbara Smith 10.30.23
Elena Mikirtichev & Andrey Mikirtichev, Dream Coon (80 adult cats, 55 kittens, 5 dogs). North Chesterfield, Virginia- After receiving more than 50 USDA violations in 2023, the Mikirthichev’s had their license suspended, animals saved and can no longer hold a USDA license. Elena Mikirtichev and Andrey Mikirtichev Consent Decision
RMRS Manufacturing & Distributing Inc (3 adult dogs and 58 puppies). Lynchburg, Virginia- RMRS also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their November 3, 2023, USDA routine inspection, RMRS received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to veterinary care for dogs and environment enhancement to promote psychological well-being. RMRS Manufacturing & Distributing Inc 11.3.23
Samuel J. King. Farmville, Virginia- King also received violations in Quarter 2 and 3 of 2023. On October 30, 2023, King received 1 non-critical violation for an attempted inspection. On December 14, 2023, King received 1 non-critical violation again for an attempted inspection. Samuel J. King 10.30.23 Samuel J. King 12.14.23
Aaron Hostetler (31 adult dogs and 21 puppies). Stetsonville, Wisconsin- At the time of their December 5, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Hostetler received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification and veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to a pet store in Wisconsin. Aaron Hostetler 12-5-23
Albert Troyer (27 adult dogs and 20 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- At the time of their November 21, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Troyer received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to primary enclosures. We have record of this facility selling to a pet store in Minnesota. Albert Troyer 11.21.23
Allen A. Miller (16 adult dogs and 14 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- At the time of their October 4, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Miller received 1 non-critcal violation pertaining to primary enclosures. We have record of this facility selling to a pet store in Minnesota. Allen Miller 10.4.23
Carl Wadel, DC Farms LLC AKA Direct Canine. Granton, Wisconsin- On November 29, 2023, DC Farms LLC received 1 non-critical violation for an attempted inspection. On December 28, 2023, they received 1 non-critical violation for another attempted inspection. In Quarter 3 of 2023, DC Farms LLC received another non-critical violation for an attempted inspection. DC Farms LLC 11.29.23 DC Farms LLC 12.28.23
David Kurtz & Freeman Kurtz, D & F Kennel LLC AKA Hillside Kennel (77 adult dogs, and 25 puppies). Augusta, Wisconsin- D & F Kennel also recieved a violation in Quarter 1 of 2023 for selling underage puppies. At the time of their December 6, 2023, USDA routine inspection, D & F Kennel received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Connecticut and Indiana. D & F Kennel 12.6.23
Fannie Troyer (13 adult dogs and 16 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- Troyer also received violations in Quarters 2 and 3 of 2023. At the time of their October 13, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Troyer received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to primary enclosures and veterinary care for dogs. Fannie Troyer 10.13.23
Henry L. Swarey (9 adult dogs). Fennimore, Wisconsin- At the time of their December 14, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Swarey received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to primary enclosures and veterinary care. Henry L. Swarey 12.14.23
Jonathan Chupp and Jolene Chupp, Chupps Playful Pets (22 adult dogs and 28 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- At the time of their October 2, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Chupps received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and sheltered housing facilities. We have record of this facility selling to a pet store in Minnesota. Jonathan Chupp & Jolene Chupp 10.2.23
Junior Yutzy (33 adult dogs and 28 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- Yutzy also received violations in Quarters 1, 2, and 3 of 2023. At the time of their November 1, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Yutzy received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to exercise for dogs and veterinary care. Yutzy also received violations in 2022. Junior Yutzy 11.1.23
Levi E. Borntrager & Barbara Borntrager, Barbara’s Kennel (22 adult dogs and 3 puppies). Augusta, Wisconsin- Borntrager also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their December 7, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Borntrager received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Levi E. Borntrager 12.7.23
Martha Schrock & Joseph Schrock. Fairchild, Wisconsin- The Schrocks received an Official USDA Warning stemming from a violation they received on July 26, 2023. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Indiana and Massachusetts. USDA Warning Martha Schrock & Joseph Schrock 10.12.23
Michael Bontrager (37 adult dogs and 27 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- Bontrager also received violations in Quarter 3 of 2023. At the time of their December 12, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Bontrager received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Connecticut and to the brokers JAKS and Select Puppies. Michael Bontrager 12.12.23
Miriam Hoover, Farm House Kennel. Stanley, Wisconsin- During a USDA inspection on November 2, 2023, Hoover received 2 non-critical violations. The USDA website lists the report as ‘No Report Found’ so information about the violations is not currently available. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Iowa and to the broker JAKS.
Neil J. Miller (57 adult dogs and 10 puppies). Viroqud, Wisconsin- Miller also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their December 19, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Miller received 6 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, records, contingency planning, exercise for dogs, and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Neil Miller 12.19.23
Orva Miller (32 adult dogs and 11 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- At the time of their October 19, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Miller received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. We have record of this facility selling to a pet store in Minnesota. Orva Miller 10.19.23
Reuben D. Graber (54 adult dogs and 3 puppies). Blanchardville, Wisconsin- At the time of their October 3, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Graber received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Reuben D. Graber 10.3.23
Reuben E. Graber, True Dream Pawz (27 adult dogs and 27 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- Graber also received violations in Quarters 1 and 3 of 2023. At the time of their November 8, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Graber received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, exercise for dogs, and veterinary care for dogs. Graber received a Citation and Notification of Penalty stemming from a violation he received on February 4, 2023. We have record of this facility selling to a pet store in Minnesota. Reuben E. Graber 11.8.23 Reuben E Graber Notice of Penalty
Ridglan Farms LLC (1608 adult dogs and 1502 puppies). Mount Horeb, Wisconsin- At the time of their December 5, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Ridglan Farms received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to primary enclosures. Ridglan Farms 12.5.23
Timothy S. Schwartz, Dilly Ridge Dogs (25 adult dogs and 6 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- At the time of their November 1, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Schwartz received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. This facility had violations in 2022. Timothy Schwartz 11.1.23
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