USDA Violations

Bailing Out Benji is a nonprofit organization that exists to provide transparency into the puppy mill industry. We forensically audit government health records and inspection reports in order to connect puppy mills and commercial dog breeders to the various outlets in which they sell. We pay for many of these documents and then make them available for free on our website and to the public in order to provide the transparency that the public deserves before buying a puppy. We are the only organization that focuses on the issues as intimately as we do and we host the world’s largest puppy mill database. 

To see our pet store and online broker research, click here

At Bailing Out Benji, we believe in the importance of providing transparency for the customer in an unbiased way. In order to accomplish this, we publish quarterly violation reports for USDA breeders and brokers who have violations during that time period. We do not insert our opinion in these reports, we just compile the data and publish the inspection reports for the public to view on their own. We are the only nonprofit that holds the commercial dog breeding industry accountable in this fashion. 

According to the USDA, an inspection report documents an inspector’s observations and professional assessments of compliance at facilities regulated under the AWA. Below we have compiled a list of all of the USDA dog/cat breeders and brokers that have had violations. 

Editors note: USDA inspectors have 5 days to give a copy of their inspection to the licensee and 30 days to publish their reports online. There may be additional facilities we add to this list once more inspection reports are added to the database.

Omitted from these violations are missed inspections, unless those missed inspections are habitual. The list below also only reflects dog and cat breeders and brokers (licenses A and B).

This list of violations below was obtained from the USDA APHIS search engine. Any pet store connections were obtained from various state departments of agriculture. 

If you have any questions about our methodology for obtaining this information, please email our research analyst: Alexis Bell,