What a Mill Dog Needs

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Written by Becky Monroe Rehoming Puppy Mill Survivors Takes Time  Recently, there was a monumental puppy mill shutdown and, for the first time ever, the owner was required to hand over the dogs to rescues. Over 500 dogs of varying breeds were surrendered to a village of shelters and rescues in the midwest – all with the intent to find… Read more »

A look back on 2021

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2021 was still a very tough year for so many of us across the country, but thanks to all of your support we were able to make so much progress for the animals trapped in puppy mills. Join us for our “2021 Year in Review” below and help us celebrate all of the wins for the puppy mill dogs! We also… Read more »

Goldie’s Act

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December 7, 2021 Written by Mindi Callison   Iowa Congresswoman says ‘Enough’.  In response to the horrific puppy mill owned by Daniel Gingerich of Seymour, Iowa, US Representative Cindy Axne has introduced a bill into Congress that would require the USDA to more effectively do its job. As you might recall, Gingerich received nearly 200 USDA violations in 2021, all… Read more »

Meet the Survivors: Willow

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Written by Becky Monroe Sweet Willow’s story starts young… she was only 6 months old when the puppy miller decided to breed her. In a twisted fate of luck and misfortune, Willow suffered a vaginal prolapse during breeding and the puppy miller brought her to the vet where they explained she needed to be spayed. He decided euthanasia would be… Read more »

When you know better…

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Written by Becky Monroe “When you know better, you do better – and I really should have known better”  Not long after my daughter had to put her puppy mill survivor, Wrigley, down she knew she wanted another dog. Wrigley was really good for Abby’s anxiety. Having him in her life brought her a lot of comfort. Abby’s roommate needs… Read more »

Meet the Survivors: Wrigley

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Written by Becky Monroe Last week I flew to Nashville to comfort my 22 year old daughter, Abby, who had to put her very own first dog, Wrigley, down. Wrigley was a 9 year old Shih Tzu whom she just adopted this March. She only had him 7 months. Wrigley was rescued from a mass breeding situation. He had lived… Read more »

The Critical Component of Law in Animal Welfare

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Written by Becky Monroe “Animal Welfare” the words alone imply kindness to animals, but implication is not enough. Neither is a desire or empathy towards animal suffering. Without actual law, any acts, no matter how volatile and cruel, are simply admissible. I think the majority of people have compassion towards domestic animals. While it happens too often, maliciousness towards domestic… Read more »

Meet the Survivors: Nutmeg

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Written by Becky Monroe This week’s special pup is Nutmeg. While her name makes me smile, Nutmeg’s journey reminds us all again just how devastating puppy mill life can be. Nutmeg’s mom, Liz, saw her on-line through National Mill Dog Rescue in Colorado. As Liz explained to me there was just something about her that spoke to her and she… Read more »

Animals and Me: It was never a choice

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Written by Becky Monroe Life is always coming up with unexpected ways that require us to reflect on our surroundings. Recently, some personal things happened within my family that were upsetting and I found myself hugging my rescued Frenchie, Agatha. Her squishy little rolls are so calming to gently squeeze and her soft coat is so soothing to pet. She… Read more »

Meet the Survivors: Casey

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Written by Becky Monroe Meet Casey “Casey Girl” Many times when people think of puppy mills they immediately think of small breeds like Shih Tzu, Poodles, and Yorkshire Terriers. We often see pictures of puppy mill cages that are small and would seem unlikely to house larger breeds. The sad reality is that any large breed dogs in high demand… Read more »