Meet the Survivors: Tashi

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Written by Becky Monroe  Tashi is a Lhasa Apso who was rescued around the age of 3 or 4 who is now a whopping 15 years old! Like so many, Tashi’s life did not start out well. She was a breeding dog in a Missouri puppy mill her first few years of life. Lucky for her, it seems breeding was… Read more »

Right now, they need your voice!

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Written by Becky Monroe Across the country, the pet industry is grasping to hold on. They are appealing and fighting legislation across the states and cities, using all the money and power they can muster to win and stay in business. They have gone so far as to create faux organizations that appear to be humane, so that they can… Read more »

Meet the Survivors: Tippy

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Written by Becky Monroe I took a bit of liberty with this blog because while Tippy’s owner, Susan, sent in his information, I happened to have been there the very moment Tippy was saved at a puppy mill auction back in 2009. I had asked Susan to attend with me and she convinced her husband, Bill, to tag along. Bill… Read more »

Pundit Accountability and Dogs

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Written by Becky Monroe   My Own Pundit Accountability  A few weeks ago, I was reading The New York Times and the columnist referred to the phrase “pundit accountability.” He explained that it is when writers and experts should be willing to be transparent when they get things wrong. In his case, it was varying issues of COVID. On the… Read more »

Meet the Survivors: Lui

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Written by Becky Monroe Meet Luis or Lui for short! It was a fateful, quick decision when Nancy saw a puppy mill survivor in immediate need posted by HavaHeart Rescue. She and her husband had only been volunteers of HavaHeart a few weeks but she knew she needed to help. Their Shih Tzu, Taz who was rescued from APA, had… Read more »

Buyer Beware: Puppyland

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Bailing Out Benji 2022 All research and information was done by  Bailing Out Benji and must be cited as such when shared or quoted! To view the rest of our research, click here. _______________________________________________ “We don’t buy from puppy mills.” “All of our puppies come from small, local breeders.” “We visit every breeder we buy from.” We have all heard these… Read more »

22 Ways to be More Humane in 2022

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Written by Becky Monroe Throughout my career, I have been fortunate enough to have been able to work with both domestic and wildlife rescue organizations. For the first blog of this new year, I thought it would be beneficial to share simple things that we can all do to make the world a better place for all animals.   I hope that we all find… Read more »

Meet the Survivors: Pippa, Juno and Cheetah

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Written by Becky Monroe This week’s “Survivor Blog” is EXTRA special for a few reasons. We are sharing the story of not one or two, but THREE mill survivors adopted by one family. And, even better — because of these three special dogs, their family has pledged to match the donations made to Bailing Out Benji for the month of… Read more »

12 Reasons Why NOT to Buy the Holiday Puppy in a Store or Online

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Written by Becky Monroe The 12 Days Reasons of Christmas: Why NOT to Buy a Puppy at a Pet Store or Online ALL of the animals pictured below were ADOPTED! 1) There are hundreds of dogs in shelters and rescues in need of homes. Dogs who would love a snuggly Christmas morning with a new family to love. You can… Read more »

Buyer Beware: “Mother Dog Rescue”

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©Bailing Out Benji 2021 All research and information was done by  Bailing Out Benji and must be cited as such when shared or quoted! To view the rest of our research, click here.   National Puppy-Laundering Scheme We all know that puppy mills are shady; really shady. Besides making a living off of the suffering of living, breathing dogs, their job… Read more »