Mill Dog Monthly; January 2016

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Mill Dog Monthly: January 2016 was brought to you by our volunteers Matt and Brandi! We also want to send a special thanks to Webber Designs for putting this together and for all of the other amazing designs they do for us! Don’t forget to join us on Facebook and, to receive our articles straight to your email, sign up below!

Iowa Puppy Mills by the Numbers

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  As an Iowan, I have always been proud to live in this state. The scenery is beautiful, and the people are amazing. I have always believed that there is no better place than here…. Since starting Bailing Out Benji in 2011, my eyes have been opened to the world of misery and torture in our own back yard. I… Read more »

#ShopSmall #ShopHumane

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    According to American Independent Business Alliance, one of the benefits of “shopping small” is that you are Maintaining Community Character. You are holding a local business accountable for the products they are buying and selling. We praise local businesses that use fair trade items and sell products that sustain third world countries, while condemning the big box stores that promote… Read more »

Don’t Buy The Lies- New Design Kennels

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Hello, All! As you know, at Bailing Out Benji we are dedicated to helping puppy mill dogs in various ways…. One of which is by outing puppy mills and the pet stores they sell to. If you have been following our educational efforts at all, you will have seen that we have been protesting one pet store, Dyvig’s Pet Shoppe,… Read more »

Why Protest?

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As you all know, we are just under three months shy of our 4 year protest anniversary in front of Dyvig’s Pet Shoppe- not to mention the three other pet stores we have volunteers standing in front of. The support that we receive from the community (and social media) is overwhelmingly positive and supportive. However, we do receive some anger… Read more »

Oops… We did it again!

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Hundreds of Puppy Mills Thousands of dogs Immeasurable suffering WELCOME TO IOWA! Check out our latest bus ad that will be circling around…. DES MOINES, Iowa! DART buses drive all over the Des Moines area, and 20 other cities! Over 4.4 million people ride these buses each year! The timing of the bus ad release is strategically planned for… The… Read more »

Pets Playhouse sells Puppy Mill Puppies

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Pets Playhouse 151 Jacolyn Dr. NW Cedar Rapids, Iowa  Pet store puppies are puppies mill puppies, as the saying goes. (don’t know what a puppy mill is? click here) .  According to the ASPCA, all puppies sold in pet stores MUST come from USDA licensed breeders. NEWS FLASH  That should not be a safety net. Anyone with a computer could… Read more »

Iowa Puppy Mills Filling Pet Store Cages Across the US

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It is no secret that Iowa is one of the worst states in the nation when it comes to the number of puppy mills. We have over 220 puppy mills and we export over 100,000 puppies across state lines annually. These puppies go to other brokers (person who makes a living buying puppies and selling them at a higher price)… Read more »

Home for the HOWL-idays

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Most of you reading this are already at your limit with animals that you are caring for, yet we are inundated every day with homeless animals (whether you see them at your rescue/shelter or all over Facebook). It seems as though we can never do enough. Well, today I am going to CHALLENGE you to do something that would give… Read more »

Iowa’s First Puppy Mill Awareness Billboard

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What weighs 12 tons, is seen by tens of thousands of people a day, and is carrying Iowa’s first Puppy Mill billboard?  That’s right! The Cyride! All summer long the volunteers at Bailing Out Benji have been raising money to purchase Iowa’s first Puppy Mill Awareness Billboard and PSA! This sign will be seen by the 33,000 students enrolled at… Read more »