Dog Alley- Canton, Texas

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©Bailing Out Benji 2021 Did you know that backyard breeders and puppy millers often sell their puppies at flea markets?  Did you know that in Canton, Texas there is an entire flea market dedicated to selling puppies, piglets, kittens, and other animals?  This flea market, known as “Dog Alley”, is held the first weekend of every month during Canton Trade… Read more »

I Can’t Fall Apart Yet

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In 2017, Bailing Out Benji has rescued over 300 dogs from puppy mills across the Midwest. While our Iowa team typically handles the mill releases, breeders in Nebraska started reaching out as well. Our wonderful Nebraska volunteers handled these pick ups and got the dogs to their foster homes with our amazing rescue partners. Since this was their first time… Read more »

1,000 Hours, Looking Back on 5 Years

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I don’t even know what to say…. 5 years ago was our very first protest in front of Dyvig’s Pet Shoppe. It was my first protest ever. I was scared as hell and had no idea what to expect. It was chilly, it was spitting rain and we were not sure what would happen. We had a larger group join… Read more »

“The Dog Lover” – My Unsolicited Movie Review

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I am a dog lover. I adopt dogs. I rescue dogs. I transport dogs. I protest puppy mills that sell puppy mill puppies. I research and write articles about puppy mills and pet stores they sell to. And, yes, I have been to several puppy mills and dog auctions.. So when I heard about this movie, “The Dog Lover”, formerly… Read more »

Little Wonders Puppy Emporium: Buyer Beware

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As you know, we are a small nonprofit based primarily out of the Midwest. So how, might you ask, did a pet store all the way in Sayville, New York catch our attention enough to merit an article? Well, this Little Wonders Puppy Emporium made the grave mistake of not only buying puppies from horrible puppy mills here in the Midwest,… Read more »

Buyer Beware: The Dark Truth About Online Pet Sales

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There are over 10,000 puppy mills across the United States. Some of them are licensed, some of them aren’t; but almost all of them sell site unseen through websites, forums and Craigslist. Translation: The internet is full of puppy mills…. Don’t believe me? Google “puppies for sale near me”. Go ahead. I will wait…. What websites popped up? Various Breeders?… Read more »

Mill Dog Monthly; May 2016

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Hi, everyone! It’s Mindi, the founder of Bailing Out Benji! This is a very special edition of #MillDogMonthly because Bailing Out Benji is…. FIVE YEARS OLD! That’s right! This month we have been celebrating our five-year anniversary! That is five whole years of making the world a better place through education, rescue, transports and advocacy! We couldn’t think of a… Read more »

Mill Dog Monthly; April 2016

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As always, a HUGE thank you to Matt and Brandi (Webber Designs) for their hard work in creating this month’s Mill Dog Monthly!  For more information on the groups mentioned, please visit their facebook pages.  Twinklets Susie-Belle Schnauzer Oscar’s Law Pug Partners of Nebraska Harley Teddy Puppy Love Campaigns Little Lena Good Karma Animal Rescue of MN Dog by Dog… Read more »

Mill Dog Monthly; January 2016

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Mill Dog Monthly: January 2016 was brought to you by our volunteers Matt and Brandi! We also want to send a special thanks to Webber Designs for putting this together and for all of the other amazing designs they do for us! Don’t forget to join us on Facebook and, to receive our articles straight to your email, sign up below!