Bailing Out Benji is a national nonprofit organization that exists to provide transparency into the puppy mill industry. We forensically audit government health records and inspection reports in order to connect puppy mills and commercial dog breeders to the various outlets in which they sell. We pay for many of these documents and then make them available for free on our website and to the public in order to provide the transparency that the public deserves before buying a puppy.
To see our pet store and online broker research, click here.
According to the USDA: An inspection report documents an inspector’s observations and professional assessments of compliance at facilities regulated under the AWA. Below we have compiled a list of all of the USDA dog breeders and brokers that have had violations in Quarter 2 of 2023.
This time period is from July 1, 2023, to September 30, 2023.
Editors note: USDA inspectors have 5 days to give a copy of their inspection to the licensee and 30 days to publish their reports online. There may be additional facilities we add to this list once more inspection reports are added to the database.
Omitted from these violations are missed inspections, unless those missed inspections are habitual. The list below also only reflects dog and cat breeders and brokers (licenses A and B).
This list of violations below was obtained from the USDA APHIS search engine. Any pet store connections were obtained from various state departments of agriculture.
You can view our previous reports here: Quarter 1 and Quarter 2.
If you have any questions about the breeders listed on this report or our methodology for obtaining this information, please email our research analyst: Alexis Bell,

This time period is from July 1, 2023, to September 30, 2023.
Cindy Garner (43 adult dogs, 15 puppies). Booneville, Arkansas- At the time of their July 11, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Garner received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 3 states. Cindy Garner 7.11.2023
Dorothy O’Bar (S), Jodot Farm (4 adult dogs). Booneville, Arkansas- At the time of their September 11, 2023, USDA routine inspection, O’bar received 1 critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs and 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. We have records of this facility selling to a pet store in Maine. Dorothy S. O’Bar 9.11.2023
Elisa Brandvik. Ozark, Arkansas- Brandvik also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their August 16, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Brandvik received 2 critical violations pertaining to non-interference with APHIS officials and access and inspection of records and property. Brandvik also had violations in 2022. We have records of this facility selling to the broker Pinnacle Pets. Elisa Brandvik 8.16.2023
Gail Bear (44 adult dogs, 54 puppies). Harrison, Arkansas- At the time of their September 7, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Bear received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to records and veterinary care for dogs. Gail Bear 9.7.2023
Gail McGonigal, Puppies & Paws Kennel (87 adult dogs, 24 puppies). Alicia, Arkansas- At the time of their July 12, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, McGonigal received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Gail McGonigal 7.12.2023
Lady Boss Grooming & World of Pets. Lavaca, Arkansas- Lady Boss Grooming & World of Pets received an Official USDA Warning for operating as a dealer without a license. USDA Warning Lady Boss Grooming 7.13.2023
Lyndal Swartzentruber (49 adult dogs, 7 puppies). Pocahontas, Arkansas- At the time of their August 1, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Swartzentruber received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, and watering. Lyndal Swartzentruber 8.1.2023
Misty Means (20 adult dogs, 17 puppies). Ash Flat, Arkansas- Means also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their August 30, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Means received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to watering and veterinary care for dogs. Means received an Official USDA Warning stemming from violations received on June 14, 2023. Misty Means 8.30.2023; USDA Warning Misty Means 7.27.2023
TLC Puppies (11 adult dogs, 8 puppies). Lead Hill, Arkansas- At the time of their August 8, 2023, USDA routine inspection, TLC Puppies received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to watering. TLC Puppies 8.8.2023
Exclusive Paws LLC. Port St Lucie, Florida- Exclusive Paws received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their August 31, 2023, USDA-focused inspection, Exclusive Paws received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to requirements and application (no longer conducting regulated business or living at site 001). Exclusive Paws LLC 8.31.2023
Neuman Family LLC AKA Coastal Pups (9 puppies). North Port, Florida- At the time of their July 19, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Neuman Family received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to records, contingency planning, exercise for dogs, and veterinary care for dogs. This facility has since canceled their license. Neuman Family LLC 7.19.2023
Wayne Chupp, Verlin Chupp, & Kenny Chupp, Double K Puppies (23 adult dogs, 40 puppies). Tuscola, Illinois- At the time of their July 17, 2023, USDA re-license inspection at site 1, the Chupps received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. On July 17, 2023, during their re-license inspection at site 2, the Chupps received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. We have records of this facility selling to a pet store in Tennessee. Wayne Chupp, Verlin Chupp, & Kenny Chupp 7.17.2023 ; Wayne Chupp, Verlin Chupp, & Kenny Chupp 7.17.2023
Levi Chupp & Malinda Chupp, Chupp Farms Canine LLC (21 adult dogs, 16 puppies). Greentown, Indiana- At the time of their July 25, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Chupp Farms Canine received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. We have records of this facility selling to the online broker PuppySpot. Chupp Farms Canine LLC 7.25.2023
Melvin Otto & Wanda Otto (21 adult dogs, 9 puppies). La Grange, Indiana- At the time of their September 28, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Ottos received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to primary enclosures. Melvin Otto and Wanda Otto 9.28.2023
Michael Weaver (L) (64 adult dogs, 45 puppies). Goshen, Indiana- Weaver also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their August 15, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Weaver received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. Michael Weaver 8.15.2023
Walter Schmidt (22 adult dogs, 8 puppies). Losantville, Indiana- At the time of their July 27, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Schmidt received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to primary enclosures. Walter Schmidt 7.27.2023

Carolyn Anderson, Anderson’s Yorkies (30 adult dogs, 5 puppies). Mason City, Iowa- This quarter, over a year later, Anderson received an Official USDA Warning stemming from violations received on May 26, 2022, and July 19, 2022. USDA Warning Carolyn Anderson 8.3.2023
Heath Meyers, Century Farm Puppies (162 adult dogs, 123 puppies). Grundy Center, Iowa- Myers also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their August 24, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Myers received 9 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, records, housing facilities, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. Heath Myers 8.24.2023
Lyle Miller, Miller Clan Pugs (20 adult dogs). Wellman, Iowa- At the time of their July 24, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Miller received 1 critical violation pertaining to handling of animals (1 deceased dog affected by violation). Miller received an Official USDA Warning stemming from violations received on July 24, 2023. Lyle Miller 7.24.2023 ; USDA Warning Lyle Miller 8.30.2023
Maple Grove Kennels (19 adult dogs, 15 puppies). Iowa City, Iowa- At the time of their July 10, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Maple Grove Kennels received 2 critical violations pertaining to handling of animals and compatible grouping, and 9 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, records, housing facilities, sheltered housing facilities, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. Maple Grove Kennels received an Official USDA Warning stemming from violations received on July 10, 2023. This facility has since canceled their license. Maple Grove Kennels 7.10.2023; USDA Warning Maple Grove Kennels 8.24.2023
Marlin Dibbet, Rainbow Kennels (50 adult dogs, 12 puppies). Sioux Center, Iowa- At the time of their July 12, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Dibbet received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Connecticut and to the broker Becky Busboom. Marlin Dibbet 7.12.2023
Nathan Miller (L) (13 adult dogs, 2 puppies). Kalona, Iowa- Miller also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their September 13, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Miller received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to time and method of identification. Nathan L Miller 9.13.2023
Scott Swanson, S & J Kennel (29 adult dogs, 10 puppies). Ollie, Iowa- Swanson also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their August 14, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Swanson received 5 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, records, compatible grouping, and veterinary care for dogs. This facility had violations throughout 2022. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Virginia. Scott Swanson 8.14.2023
Brenda Callen, Waggletails Kennels (25 adult dogs, 27 puppies). Frontenac, Kansas- At the time of their September 7, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Callen received 8 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification, records, exercise for dogs, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Maine. Brenda Callen 9.7.2023
Joseph H and Bernita M Berntsen Living Trust (115 adult dogs, 55 puppies). La Harpe, Kansas- At the time of their August 9, 2023, USDA focused inspection, the Bertsens received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs (20 puppies were affected by violation). We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Connecticut. Joseph H Berntsen and Bernita M Berntsen 8.9.2023
Joseph Yoder (13 adult dogs, 9 puppies). Garnett, Kansas- At the time of their September 5, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Yoder received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Colorado. Joseph Yoder 9.5.2023
Levi Snow (28 adult dogs, 22 puppies). Columbus, Kansas- At the time of their August 16, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Snow received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Florida. Levi Snow 8.16.2023
Mark Schultz & Dorinda Schultz (29 adult dogs, 11 puppies). Fredonia, Kansas- At the time of their September 6, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Schultz received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Virginia and Connecticut. Mark Schultz and Dorinda Schultz 9.6.2023
Melissa Morris (A). Olathe, Kansas- At the time of their September 14, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Morris received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Melissa Morris 9.14.2023
Zachery Keeler (7 adult cats, 8 kittens, 7 ring-tailed lemurs, 2 pot belly pigs). Temperance, Michigan- At the time of their July 7, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Keeler received 1 critical violation pertaining to non-interference with APHIS officials. On July 18, 2023, Keeler received 1 critical violation pertaining to access and inspection of records and property. During a focused inspection on July 21, 2023, Keeler received 1 critical violation pertaining to access and inspection of records and property, and 10 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification, records, housing facilities, primary enclosures, watering, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, environment enhancement to promote psychological well-being, and feeding. Keeler has since had his license revoked after an administrative complaint and then a decision and order were filed with the Secretary of Agriculture. Zachery Keeler 7.7.2023 ; Zachery Keeler 7.18.2023 ; Zachery Keeler 7.21.2023 ; USDA Revocation Zachery Keeler 8.16.2023
Ada Yoder (47 adult dogs, 57 puppies). Utica, Minnesota- Yoder also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their August 22, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Yoder received 1 direct violation pertaining to sheltered housing facilities, and 2 non-critical violations pertaining to contingency planning and veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 5 states. Ada Yoder 8.22.2023
Craig Kleven & Linda Kleven, Fair View Kennels (51 adult dogs, 35 puppies). Walnut Grove, Minnesota- At the time of their July 5, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Klevens received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to primary enclosures. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Washington and to the broker JAKS. Craig Kleven and Linda Kleven 7.5.2023
Daniel Kuehne (320 adult dogs, 233 puppies). Reading, Minnesota- At the time of their July 24, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Kuehne received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, primary enclosures, and veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Connecticut and Nebraska. Daniel D Kuehne 7.24.2023
Rebecca Stille & Tim Stille, Arias Friends (36 adult dogs, 32 puppies). Farbault, Minnesota- The Stilles also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their September 11, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Stilles received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to primary enclosures and veterinary care for dogs. Rebecca Stille & Tim Stille 9.11.2023
Grassy Ridge Kennels LLC (71 adult dogs, 55 puppies). Kokomo, Mississippi- At the time of their September 5, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Grassy Ridge Kennels received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Grassy Ridge Kennels LLC 9.5.2023
Mary Parker & Renee Castlman, Gatorhead Bullies LLC (45 adult dogs, 10 puppies). Caledona, Mississippi- At the time of their July 26, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Gatorhead Bullies received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Gatorhead Bullies LLC 7.26.2023
Diane Shortt & Hillis Shortt, Shady Oaks Kennel (6 adult dogs, 12 puppies). Ava, Missouri- At the time of their September 6, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Shortts received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to watering. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Virginia. Diane Shortt and Hillis Shortt 9.6.2023
Leisha Patrick (31 adult dogs, 21 puppies). Highlandville, Missouri- At the time of their July 26, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Patrick received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Patrick received an Official USDA Warning stemming from violations received on July 26, 2023. Leisha Patrick 7.26.2023 USDA Warning Leisha Patrick 9.7.2023
Marlene Zimmerman & Wayne Zimmerman (11 adult dogs, 2 puppies). Wheeling, Missouri- At the time of their August 14, 2023, the Zimmermans received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 4 states. Marlene Zimmerman 8.14.2023
Mary Smith (A), Smiths Kennels. Salem, Missouri– Smith also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their July 25, 2023, USDA attempted inspection, Smith received 1 repeat non-critical violation pertaining to access and inspection of records and property. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 7 states. Mary A Smith 7.25.2023
Noah Lee (75 adult dogs, 12 puppies). Knox City, Missouri- At the time of their July 5, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Lee received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Noah Lee 7.5.2023
Sondra Jenkins, Jenkins Kennel (49 adult dogs, 38 puppies). West Plains, Missouri- At the time of their July 25, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Jenkins received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to outdoor housing facilities. Sondra Jenkins 7.25.2023
Vickie Burden, B&H Kennels (33 adult dogs, 13 puppies). Dora, Missouri- At the time of their September 20, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Burden received 1 repeat non-critical violation pertaining to records. Burden also had violations in 2022. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Texas. Vickie Burden 9.20.2023
Wayne Isom, Isom Kennel (7 adult dogs). Neelyville, Missouri- At the time of their July 11, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Isom received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 2 states. Wayne Isom 7.11.2023
Peggy Shaw (110 adult dogs, 54 puppies). Wilbur, Nebraska- Shaw also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their July 5, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Shaw received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Peggy Shaw 7.5.2023
Randy Hartsuiker, Hartwind Kennels (48 adult dogs, 13 puppies). Big Springs, Nebraska- At the time of their August 11, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Hartsuiker received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Colorado. Randy Hartsuiker 8.11.2023
New York
Else Yoder (Esle Yoder) (30 adult dogs, 56 puppies). Fort Plain, New York- At the time of their August 31, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Yoder received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification, contingency planning, and housing facilities. Else Yoder 8.31.2023
Nathan Zimmerman (45 adult dogs, 10 puppies). Penn Yan, New York- At the time of their September 19, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Zimmerman received 2 direct violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and watering, and 1 non-critical violation pertaining to feeding. Nathan Zimmerman 9.19.2023
Aden Yoder (A) (42 adult dogs, 41 puppies). Charm, Ohio- At the time of their July 31, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Yoder received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities and watering. Aden A Yoder 7.31.2023
Allen Yoder (J) (50 adult dogs, 37 puppies). Millersburg, Ohio- At the time of their August 17, 2023, routine inspection, Yoder received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to the broker JAKS. Allen J Yoder 8.17.2023
Antoine Abed, A & R’s Exotics (3 adult cats, 5 kittens). Toledo, Ohio- Abed received an Official USDA Warning on August 3, 2023, stemming from violations received on April 13, 2023, and April 26, 2023. USDA Warning Antoine Abed 8.3.2023
Cherry Valley Pups (133 adult dogs, 133 puppies). Alexandria, Ohio- At the time of their August 15, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Cherry Valley Pups received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, records, and housing facilities. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Connecticut. Cherry Valley Pups 8.15.2023
David Weaver (35 adult dogs, 29 puppies). Millersburg, Ohio- Weaver also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their July 6, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Weaver received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and 4 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. On July 19, 2023, during a focused inspection, Weaver received 1 repeat non-critical violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. During his August 30, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Weaver received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. David Weaver 7.6.2023 David Weaver 7.19.2023 David Weaver 8.30.2023
Henry Yoder (EA) (23 adult dogs, 29 puppies). Millersburg, Ohio- At the time of their August 7, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Yoder received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and veterinary care for dogs. Henry EA Yoder 8.7.2023
John Garman (121 adult dogs, 46 puppies). Plymouth, Ohio- At the time of their August 29, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Garman received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to contingency planning, housing facilities, and veterinary care for dogs. John Garman 8.29.2023
Joseph Miller (A), Horseshoe Kennel AKA Playful Puppies (26 adult dogs, 15 puppies). Millersburg, Ohio- At the time of their August 10, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Miller received 5 non-critical violations pertaining to contingency planning, housing facilities, and veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in New York. Joseph A Miller 8.10.2023
Leroy Yoder (E), Mohawk Kennels (25 adult dogs). Walhonding, Ohio- Yoder also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their July 17, 2023, USDA relicense inspection, Yoder received 1 direct violation pertaining to watering and 3 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, primary enclosures, and veterinary care for dogs. Leroy E Yoder 7.17.2023
Sunrise Pups LLC (28 puppies). Ostrander, Ohio- Sunrise Pups also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time if their August 10, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Sunrise Pups received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to records, housing facilities, feeding, and watering. Sunrise Pups 8.10.2023
Sycamore Rise Puppies (30 adult dogs, 23 puppies). Sugarcreek, Ohio- Sycamore Rise Puppies also received a violation in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their July 26, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Sycamore Rise Puppies received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Connecticut and to the broker Nichols Pups. Sycamore Rise Puppies 7.26.2023
Valley View Pups (43 adult dogs, 48 puppies). Alexandria, Ohio- At the time of their August 28, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Valley View Pups received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to exercise for dogs and veterinary care. Valley View Pups 8.28.2023
Angela Weaver. Howe, Oklahoma- On July 7, 2023, Weaver had an attempted inspection but no responsible adult was available to accompany the APHIS Official during the inspection. This is her 5th violation and missed inspection this year. Angela Weaver 7.7.2023
Becky Goodman & Leonard Goodman, Goodman’s Good-Dog (38 adult dogs, 14 puppies). Ringling, Oklahoma- At the time of their July 11, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Goodmans received 6 non-critical violations pertaining to contingency planning, housing facilities, feeding, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. Becky Goodman and Leonard Goodman 7.11.2023
Ruby Shown (23 adult dogs, 7 puppies). Antlers, Oklahoma- At the time of their July 5, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Shown received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to contingency planning, exercise for dogs, and veterinary care for dogs. Ruby Shown 7.5.23
Sherri Taylor, Taylor Pups (76 adult dogs, 2 puppies). Lone Grove, Oklahoma- At the time of their July 6, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Taylor received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and 2 non-critical violations pertaining to Sheltered housing and primary enclosures. Taylor received an Official USDA Warning stemming from violations received on July 6, 2023. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Connecticut and to the broker Pinnacle Pets. Sherri Taylor 7.6.2023 USDA Warning Sherri Taylor 8.24.2023

Jeff Wagner, Stonebridge Puppies (19 adult dogs, 32 puppies). Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania- Wagner also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their July 25, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Wagner received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Jeff Wagner 7.25.2023
John Jay Lapp, Peaceful Acres Puppies LLC (42 adult dogs, 74 puppies). Millerstown, Pennsylvania- Peaceful Acres Puppies also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their August 3, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Peaceful Acres Puppies received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to contingency planning, primary enclosures, and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Peaceful Acres Puppies LLC 8.3.2023
John Zook, Whistle Hill Puppies (44 adult dogs, 62 puppies). Denver, Pennsylvania- At the time of their September 12, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Zook received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to records and housing facilities. John Zook 9.12.2023
Marlin Zimmerman, Turkey Hill Kennel (68 adult dogs, 20 puppies). East Earl, Pennsylvania- At the time of their September 20, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Zimmerman received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to records and veterinary care for dogs. Marlin Zimmerman 9.20.2023
Michael Fisher (26 adult dogs, 35 puppies). Loysville, Pennsylvania- At the time of their July 5, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Fisher received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to primary enclosures. Michael Fisher 7.5.2023
Jessica Perry, Ragdoll Kittens and Cats (161 adult cats, 12 kittens). Colleyville, Texas- At the time of their July 10, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Perry received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to requirements and application. The previous licensee sold the business to a new person without telling APHIS or canceling her license. Jessica Perry 7.10.2023
Patricia Bingham (12 adult cats, 11 kittens, 22 leopard cats). Alvin, Texas- Bingham also received violations in Quarters 1 and 2 of 2023, as well as violations in 2022. At the time of their August 21, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Bingham received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to records, housing facilities, primary enclosures, and feeding. During a focused inspection also performed on August 21, 2023, Bingham received 1 repeat non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Bingham has since canceled her license, no new license has been obtained. Patricia Bingham 8.21.2023 (1) Patricia Bingham 8.21.2023
Elena Mikirtichev & Andrey Mikirtichev, Dream Coon (80 adult cats, 55 kittens, 5 dogs). North Chesterfield, Virginia- The Mikirtichevs also received 29 total violations in Quarter 1 and 2 of 2023. At the time of their July 24, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Mikirtichevs received 2 direct violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and 19 non-critical violations pertaining to records, access and inspection of records and property, housing facilities, indoor housing facilities, sheltered housing, primary enclosures, watering, sleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. At their focused inspection on August 9, 2023, the Mikirtichevs received 2 direct violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and 2 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification and records. At their September 11, 2023, focused inspection, the Mikirtichevs received 2 critical violations pertaining to non-interference with APHIS officials (made inaccurate and misleading statements) and conducting regulated activity during suspension, 3 direct violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and 9 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification, records, handling of animals, outdoor housing facilities, primary enclosures, compatible grouping, feeding, and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. The Mikirtichevs received an official notice of 21 day suspension on August 11, 2023 and an administrative complaint on August 25, 2023, citing violations they received in 2023 and 2022 as violations of the Animal Welfare Act. Their license is currently suspended and their cats were seized on October 9th, 2023 by the Virginia Attorney General’s Office and Chesterfield County Animal Services. Elena Mikirtichev and Andrey Mikirtichev 7.24.2023 Elena Mikirtichev and Andrey Mikirtichev 8.9.2023 Elena Mikirtichev and Andrey Mikirtichev 9.11.2023 USDA Revocation Mikirticheva 8.25.2023 USDA Warning Mikirtichev 8.11.2023
Samuel King (J) (16 adult dogs, 12 puppies). Farmville, Virginia- King also received violations in Quarters 1 and 2 of 2023. At the time of their August 2, 2023, USDA routine inspection, King received 11 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, records, housing facilities, primary enclosures, compatible grouping, feeding, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. Samuel J. King 8.2.2023
Virginia Coast Puppies LLC (37 adult dogs, 7 puppies). Chesapeake, Virginia- At the time of their August 23, 2023, USDA focused inspection, Virginia Coast Puppies received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to records. Has since canceled their license. Virginia Coast Poodles 8.23.2023
Teresa Seling, Traipse Inc. AKA Traipse Bengals (23 adult cats, 5 kittens). Issaquah, Washington- At the time of their July 24, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Traipse received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and 3 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. At the time of their August 9, 2023, USDA focused inspection, Traipse received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and 1 repeat non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. Traipse Inc received an Official USDA Warning stemming from violations received on August 9, 2023, and July 24, 2023. Traipse Inc 7.24.2023 USDA Warning Traipse Inc September 14th, 2023
Allen Bontrager (F) (38 adult dogs, 23 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- At the time of their July 27, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Bontrager received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to primary enclosures and veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to a pet store in Minnesota. Allen F Bontrager 7.27.2023
Ben Beiler & Malinda Beiler (60 adult dogs, 42 puppies). Rewey, Wisconsin- At the time of their July 10, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Beilers received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to time and method of identification. Ben Beiler and Malinda Beiler 7.10.2023
Carla Brovont, Paws N Play Kennel (65 adult dogs, 90 puppies). Elroy, Wisconsin- At the time of their July 18, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Brovont received 5 non-critical violations pertaining to primary enclosures, exercise for dogs, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to the online broker PuppySpot. Carla Brovont 7.18.2023
Daniel Ray Miller (50 adult dogs, 25 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- Miller also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their September 14, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Miller received 1 critical violation pertaining to compatible grouping. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Nevada and to the broker JAKS. Daniel Ray Miller 9.14.2023
Elmer Jr Miller (22 adult dogs, 8 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- At the time of their July 7, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Miller received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Elmer Jr. Miller 7.7.2023
Ervin Miller, Marcus Miller, & Anna May Miller (42 adult dogs, 47 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- The Millers also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their September 11, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Millers received 8 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, contingency planning, housing facilities, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. Ervin Miller, Marcus Miller and Anna May Miller 9.11.2023
Fannie Troyer (14 adult dogs). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- Troyer also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their August 22, 2023, USDA re-license inspection, Troyer received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification, housing facilities, and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Fannie Troyer 8.22.2023
Harvey Shrock, H & L Kennel (14 adult dogs, 4 puppies). Augusta, Wisconsin- At the time of their July 19, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Schrock received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to a pet store in Indiana. Harvey Shrock 7.19.2023
John Beiler (34 adult dogs, 34 puppies). Platteville, Wisconsin- Beiler also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their August 1, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Beiler received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, and veterinary care for dogs. John Beiler 8.1.2023
John Nolt, J & A Acres LLC AKA Pine Hollow Farm (118 adult dogs, 57 puppies). Withee, Wisconsin- At the time of their September 20, 2023, USDA routine inspection, J & A Acres received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Illinois and to the broker JAKS. J&A Acres LLC 9.20.2023
Junior Yutzy (36 adult dogs, 25 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- Yutzy also received violations in Quarter 1 and 2 of 2023. At the time of their September 7, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Yutzy received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification, and access and inspection of records and property. This facility had violations throughout 2022 as well. Junior Yutzy 9.7.2023
Leroy Fhlug, Wisconsin Puppy Patch LLC. Chilton, Wisconsin- Fhlug received a civil penalty of $3,000 dollars and was asked to cease and desist from operating as a dealer without a valid license. USDA Order Leroy Fhlug 7.7.2023
Martha Schrock & Joseph Schrock (28 adult dogs, 39 puppies). Fairchild, Wisconsin- The Schrocks also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2023. At the time of their July 26, 2023, USDA routine inspection, the Schrocks received 1 critical violation pertaining to housing facilities and 4 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification, housing facilities, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in Indiana and Massachusetts. Martha Schrock and Joseph Schrock 7.26.2023
Melissa Petranovich, J & L Farms (36 adult dogs, 33 puppies). Withee, Wisconsin- At the time of their September 5, 2023, USDA routine inspection, J & L Farms received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. J&L Farms 9.5.2023
Melvin Schmucker (13 adult dogs). LaValle, Wisconsin- At the time of their August 25, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Schmucker received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification and records. Melvin Schmucker 8.25.2023
Michael Bontrager (46 adult dogs, 37 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- At the time of their July 7, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Bontrager received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and veterinary care for dogs. On August 28, 2023, during another routine inspection, Bontrager received 7 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, housing facilities, primary enclosures, watering, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. We have records of this facility selling to a pet store in Connecticut and to the brokers JAKS and Select Puppies. Michael Bontrager 7.7.2023 Michael Bontrager 8.28.2023
Reuben Graber (E), True Dream Pawz (31 adult dogs, 2 puppies). Hillsboro, Wisconsin- Graber also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2023. At the time of their July 19, 2023, USDA routine inspection, Graber received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. We have records of this facility selling to a pet store in Minnesota. Reuben Graber 7.19.2023
Samuel Yoder (J) (20 adult dogs, 3 puppies). Augusta, Wisconsin- At the time of their September 27, 2023, USDA new site inspection, Yoder received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to access and inspection of records and property, and veterinary care for dogs. Samuel J. Yoder 9.27.2023
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