Bailing Out Benji is a national nonprofit organization that exists to provide transparency into the puppy mill industry. We forensically audit government health records and inspection reports in order to connect puppy mills and commercial dog breeders to the various outlets in which they sell. We pay for many of these documents and then make them available for free on our website and to the public in order to provide the transparency that the public deserves before buying a puppy.
To see our pet store and online broker research, click here.
According to the USDA: An inspection report documents an inspector’s observations and professional assessments of compliance at facilities regulated under the AWA. Below we have compiled a list of all of the USDA dog breeders and brokers that have had violations in Quarter 4 of 2022.
This time period is from October 1st, 2022 to December 31st, 2022.
Editors note: USDA inspectors have 5 days to give a copy of their inspection to the licensee and 30 days to publish their reports online. There may be additional facilities we add to this list once more inspection reports are added to the database.
Omitted from these violations are missed inspections. The list below also only reflects dog and cat breeders and brokers (licenses A and B).
This list of violations below was obtained from the USDA APHIS search engine. Any pet store connections were obtained from various state departments of agriculture.
You can view our previous 2022 violation reporters here:

This time period is from October 1st, 2022 to December 31st, 2022.
Elisa Brandvik. Ozark, Arkansas- Brandvik also received violations and an Official USDA Warning in Quarter 3 of 2022. At the time of their November 7, 2022, USDA routine inspection Brandvik received 2 direct violations and 3 non-critical. The direct violations pertain to compatible grouping and cleaning sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. The non-critical violations pertain to housing facilities and outdoor housing facilities. Elisa Brandvik 11.7.22
Frank Foster. Hindsville, Arkansas- At the time of their October 27, 2022, USDA routine inspection Foster received 7 non-critical violations pertaining to indoor housing facilities, primary enclosures, exercise for dogs, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling puppies to at least one pet store in Connecticut. Frank Foster 10.27.22
Gary Brown and Carolyn Brown. Van Buren, Arkansas- At the time of their December 1, 2022, USDA routine inspection Brown received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and 4 non-critical violations pertaining to primary enclosures, veterinary care for dogs, and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Note: Has violations in 2021. Gary Brown & Carolyn Brown 12.1.22
Golden Meadows Farm. Newhope, Arkansas- At the time of their December 21, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Golden Meadows Farm received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. Golden Meadows Farm 12.21.22
Judy Willis. Jasper, Arkansas- At the time of their November 29, 2022, USDA routine inspection Willis received 5 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, housing facilities, outdoor housing facilities, watering, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store in New York. Judy Willis 11.29.22
Monica Beery, Benjamin Beery, and Kimberly Beery. Harrison, Arkansas- At the time of their November 3, 2022, USDA routine inspection Beery received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Note: Has multiple violations in 2021 during separate inspections, and violations in 2019 and 2017. Monica Beery, Benjamin Beery, & Kimberly Beery 11.3.22
Patricia Shellabarger, Rio Alto Kennels. Moffat, Colorado- At the time of their October 4, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Shellabarger received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Note: Has violations in 2014 and every year until 2018. Patricia Shellabarger 10.4.22
Larry Hochstetler, Shady View Puppies. Arthur, Illinois- At the time of their December 14, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Hochstetler received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store in North Carolina. Larry Hochstetler 12.14.22
Ben H Graber. Odon, Indiana- At the time of their October 18, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Graber received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. Ben Graber 10.18.22
Daniel K Graber & Anna Mae Graber. Odon, Indiana- At the time of their October 19, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Graber received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store in Connecticut and the broker JAKS. Daniel K. Graber & Anna Mae Graber 10.19.22
Daniel Wingard, Valleyhill Pups. Bristol, Indiana- Wingard received an Official USDA Warning stemming from violations they received on August 30, 2022. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store in Pennsylvania. USDA Warning Daniel Wingard
David Lee Lapp. Hagerstown, Indiana- At the time of their October 19, 2022, USDA attempted inspection, Lapp received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to access and inspection of records and property. At the time of their November 22, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Lapp received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. David Lee Lapp 10.19.22 David Lee Lapp 11.22.22
Jacob X Schwartz Jr. Geneva, Indiana- At the time of their November 2, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Schwartz received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store in Michigan. Jacob X. Schwartz Jr 11.2.22
James A Knepp. Loogootee, Indiana- At the time of their October 3, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Knepp received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to contingency planning. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 3 states. James A. Knepp 10.3.22
Mark Lynch, LBL Kennels. Reelsville, Indiana- At the time of their October 17, 2022, USDA-focused inspection Lynch received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care (a repeat violation for Lynch), and primary enclosures. Note: Has violations in 2021. Mark Lynch 10.17.22
Uncle Bill’s Pet Center AKA Pet Centers of Indiana. Indianapolis, Indiana- At the time of their November 7, 2022 ‘new site’ inspection, Pet Centers received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to Veterinary care for dogs.Uncle Bill’s Pet Center 11.7.2022
William Knepp. Washington, Indiana- At the time of their October 18, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Knepp received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to attending the veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, housing facilities, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. William Knepp 10.18.22
Daniel Kauffman, Dee Kay Bulldogs. Bloomfield, Iowa- At the time of their October 18, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Kauffman received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 5 states. Note: Cancelled first license (42-A-1572) under which his last inspection was in 2019 and was not inspected again until under a new license (42-A-1690) in 2022. Daniel Kauffman 10.18.22
Eli Schrock, Hillview Kennels. Drakesville, Iowa- At the time of their November 1, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Schrock received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 8 states. Eli Schrock 11.1.22
Henry Detweiler. Fairbank, Iowa- At the time of their November 22, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Detweiler received 6 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, records, and veterinary care for dogs. Henry Detweiler 11.22.22
Henry Sommers, Happy Puppys. Cincinnati, Iowa- Sommers also received violations in Quarters 1, 2, and 3 of 2022. At the time of their November 1, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Sommers received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. Henry Sommers received a citation and notification of penalty on December 22, 2022, for violations procured during the time period between 2019 and 2022, receiving a penalty of $12,600. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in at least one state. Henry Sommers 11.1.22 USDA Settlement Agreement Henry Sommers
Jodie Manning, Blue Bird Ranch. Monona, Iowa- At the time of their November 1, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Manning received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store in Connecticut and to the broker JAKS. Note: This is a new licensee. They had violations in Quarter 1 of 2022 under a now-cancelled license (42-A-0645) under Julie Halverson’s name. Jodie Manning 11.1.22
Loren Yoder. Riverside, Iowa- Yoder received violations in Quarters 1, 2, and 3 of 2022. Yoder received an Official USDA Warning stemming from violations they received on September 12, 2022 and has since cancelled their USDA license. USDA Warning Loren Yoder
Scott Swanson, S & J Kennel (Site 2). Ollie, Iowa- Swanson also received violations at their site 2 in Quarter 2 of 2022. At the time of their November 3, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Swanson received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities and veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store in Virginia. Note: Has violations in 2021. Scott Swanson 11.3.22
Stephen Schrock, Shady Lawn Kennel LLC. Bloomfield, Iowa- At the time of their October 20, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Shady Lawn Kennel received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to primary enclosures. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 5 states. Shady Lawn Kennels LLC 10.20.22
Steve Kruse, Stonehenge Kennel. West Point, Iowa- Kruse also received violations in Quarters 1, 2, and 3 of 2022. At the time of their December 13, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Kruse received 1 repeat direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care (8 dogs affected). Kruse also received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities, primary enclosures, feeding, and veterinary care for dogs. . Note: Has violations in 2021, 2020, and 2019. Steve Kruse 12.13.22
Judy Koehn, Bow-Wow Mound. Burns, Kansas- At the time of their October 4, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Koehn received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification and records. We have records of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 3 states. Judy Koehn 10.4.22
Melissa Morris. Olathe, Kansas- At the time of their December 1, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Morris received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Melissa Morris 12.1.22
Roger Shilling, Prairie Ridge Kennel. Westphalia, Kansas- At the time of their November 29, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Shilling received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. Roger Shilling 11.29.22
Nathan Steury. Camden, Michigan- Steury has also received violations in Quarters 1, 2, and 3 of 2022. At the time of their October 24, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Steury received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to minimum age requirements. Note: Has violations in 2021 and 2020. This facility has recently canceled their USDA license and operates under a new name “Peaceful Paws Puppies, LLC”. Nathan Steury 10.24.22
Mary Margarets Pups LLC, Laura Ann Gordon. Ada, Michigan- At the time of their December 20, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Mary Margarets Pups received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to records and watering. Mary Margarets Pups LLC 12.20.22
Betty Lawson, Fly’N Goose Ranch. Mountain Grove, Missouri- At the time of their November 2, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Lawson received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to outdoor housing facilities. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 3 states. Betty Lawson 11.2.22
Beverly Hargis, Hargis’ Sunshine Kennels. Hallsville, Missouri- At the time of their October 31, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Hargis received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Note: Has violations in 2021. Beverly Hargis 10.31.22
Bobbie Lyell and Charleen Lyell Royal Heritage Kennel LLC AKA Cutie Pie Puppies AKA Oakwood Farms. Hartville, Missouri- This facility also received violations in Quarter 3 of 2022. At the time of their November 28, 2022, USDA attempted inspection, Royal Heritage Kennel received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to access and inspection of records and property. This facility received an Official USDA Warning October 19, 2022, due to a violation received on August 8, 2022. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 2 states. Royal Heritage Kennel 11.28.22 USDA Warning Royal Heritage Kennel
Carolyn Lansdown, TLC Kennels. Hartville, Missouri- Lansdown also received violations in Quarter 3 of 2022. At the time of their October 20, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Lansdown received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Carolyn Lansdown 10.20.22
Carol Stoner, Stoner’s Fun Loving Pets. Wheatland, Missouri- At the time of their October 27, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Stoner received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. We have record of this pet store selling to at least one pet store in Connecticut and to the broker Pinnacle Pet. Carol Stoner 10.27.22
Charlene Green, Timberline Paws. Grant City, Missouri- At the time of their November 15, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Green received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to records, housing facilities, outdoor housing facilities, and primary enclosures. Charlene Green 11.15.22
Chester Williams and Debbie Williams, Loveable Puppies. Greentop, Missouri- At the time of their November 28, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Williams received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 4 states and to the broker JAKS. Debbie Williams & Chester Williams 11.28.22
Daniel Kurtz. Jamesport, Missouri- At the time of their December 14, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Kurtz received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities. Daniel Kurtz 12.14.22
Deborah Earnest AKA Debbie Earnest, Debco. Stover, Missouri- Debco also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their November 17, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Debco received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to procurement of dogs, cats, and other animals, indoor housing facilities, and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Debco 11.17.22
Edna’s S.S. Kennel, Elva Nolt and Edna Nolt. Barnett, Missouri- At the time of their November 16, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Nolt received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities and veterinary care for dogs. Elva M. Nolt & Edna Z. Nolt 11.16.22
Harold Martin, Big Creek Kennel AKA Bridge Creek Kennel. Edina, Missouri- At the time of their December 6, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Martin received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to outdoor housing facilities.Harold Martin 12.6.22
Marilyn Byerley, MB Kennel. Mountain Grove, Missouri- MB Kennel also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2022. At the time of their November 14, 2022, USDA routine inspection, MB Kennel received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification and indoor housing facilities. MB Kennel 11.14.22
Marty Clinton. Vanzant, Missouri- At the time of their December 14, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Clinton received 1 direct and 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate care and housing facilities. Marty Clinton 12.14.2022
Mary Smith, Smiths Kennels. Salem, Missouri- Smith also received violations in Quarters 2 and 3 of 2022. At the time of their November 2, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Smith received 2 repeat non-critical violations pertaining to watering and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in at least 6 states. Mary A. Smith 11.2.22
Melvin Hershberger. Lamar, Missouri- At the time of their December 15, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Hershberger received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Melvin Hershberger 12.15.22
Noah J Miller. Keytesville, Missouri- At the time of their November 14, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Miller received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to outdoor housing facilities and veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store in New Hampshire. Noah J. Miller 11.14.22
Paul Swartzentruber and Josie Swartzentruber, PJ’s Puppy Nursery. Buffalo, Missouri- At the time of their November 21, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Swartzentruber received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Paul Swartzentruber & Josie Swartzentruber 11.21.22
Randy Schweitzer, Route 6 Kennels. Milford, Nebraska- At the time of their November 18, 2022, USDA inspection, Schweitzer refused to allow the inspector to take photos during the inspection. This refusal caused the inspection to stop and resulted in a critical violation. This same scenario happened in Quarter 2 of 2022. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store and through broker Becky Busboom. Randy Schweitzer 11.18.2022
New Mexico
Thomas Emard. La Plata, New Mexico- At the time of their November 3, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Emard received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification and records. Thomas Emard 11.3.22
New York
Esle Yoder. Fort Plain, New York- At the time of their October 4, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Yoder received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. Esle Yoder 10.4.22
Happy Teddy. Rochester, New York- At the time of their November 29, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Happy Teddy received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Happy Teddy 11.29.22
Rainbow Creek Kennels. South Butler, New York- At the time of their October 5, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Rainbow Creek Kennels received 5 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, contingency planning, primary enclosures, watering, and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Note: Has a history of violations dating back from 2022 to 2014. Rainbow Creek Kennels 10.5.22
Sadie Yoder and Daniel Yoder. Jasper, New York- Yoder received an Official USDA Warning stemming from violations they received in Quarter 3 on August 19, 2022. USDA Warning Sadie & Daniel Yoder
Yost Miller, Green Lane Solutions. Whitesville, New York- At the time of their November 9, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Green Lane Solutions received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to exercise for dogs. Note: Has violations in 2021 and 2019. Green Lane Solutions 11.9.22
Eli Yoder, Meadow Brook Kennel. Baltic, Ohio- At the time of their November 17, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Yoder received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to records and housing facilities. Note: Has violations in 2021 and 2020. Eli Yoder 11.17.22
David R. Yoder, Waterfall Puppies. Dundee, Ohio- Waterfall Puppies also received violations in Quarter 3 of 2022. At the time of their November 22, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Waterfall Puppies received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to requirements and application, primary enclosures, and veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in Connecticut. Note: This inspection is the facility’s 2nd re-license inspection, must be in compliance by the next inspection, or will have to forfeit the license fee and reapply for a license after 6 months. Waterfall Puppies 11.22.22
Puppy Blvd. Dundee, Ohio- At the time of their November 22, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Puppy Blvd received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to requirements and application, housing facilities, exercise for dogs, and veterinary care for dogs. Puppy Blvd 11.22.22
Jan Harper. Welch, Oklahoma- At the time of their October 6, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Herper received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. This facility received an Official USDA Warning November 22, 2022, due to a violation received on October 6, 2022. Jan Harper 10.6.22 USDA Warning Jan Harper
Teresa Graham, Graham’s Kennels. Garvin, Oklahoma- Graham received an Official USDA Warning stemming from violations they received in Quarter 3 on August 24, 2022. USDA Warning Teresa Graham
Tracy Gordon and Chad Gordon. Kansas, Oklahoma- At the time of their November 2, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Gordon received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to requirements and application. Tracy Gordon & Chad Gordon 11.2.22
Lester Martin, L&M Kennel. New Holland, Pennsylvania- At the time of their November 15, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Martin received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Lester S. Martin 11.15.22
Loren Nolt, Evergreen Kennel. East Earl, Pennsylvania- At the time of their October 4, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Nolt received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store in Massachusetts. Loren Nolt 10.4.22
Matthew Stoltzfus, Millwood Puppies LLC. Gap, Pennsylvania- On November 29, 2022, Millwood Puppies received a violation for an attempted inspection pertaining to access and inspection of records and property; submission of itineraries. At the time of their December 8, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Millwood Puppies received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Millwood Puppies LLC 11.29.22 Millwood Puppies LLC 12.8.22
Michael Fisher. Loysville, Pennsylvania- At the time of their November 14, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Fisher received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Michael Fisher 11.14.22
Stephen Stoltzfoos, Fairmont Acre Kennel. Ephrata, Pennsylvania- At the time of their October 6, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Stoltzfoos received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Stephen Stoltzfoos 10.6.22
South Dakota
Vickie Hines, Lar-Kie Kennel. Woonsocket, South Dakota- Hines also received violations in Quarters 2 and 3 of 2022. At the time of their October 5, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Hines received 2 repeat non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Note: Has a history of violations dating back from 2022 to 2017. Vickie Hines 10.5.22
David Kiviniemi, Animal City Pet Center. Murfreesboro, Tennessee- At the time of their October 20, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Kiviniemi received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to contingency planning. David Kiviniemi 10.20.22
Patricia Bingham. Alvin, Texas- At the time of their December 20, 2022 USDA Inspection, Bingham received 2 direct violations and 10 non-critical violations pertaining to: Attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care; records; contingency planning; housing facilities; indoor housing facilities; primary enclosures; watering; cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control; and employees. Bingham also received a 21 day suspended license due to their violations. Patricia Bingham 12.20.2022 Patricia Bingham USDA suspension
Cowtown Frenchies & Bluebonnet Bulldogs LLC. Granbury, Texas- At the time of their October 6, 2022 USDA inspection, this facility received 1 direct violation, 1 critical violation and 3 non-critical violations pertaining to: interference with APHIS officials,; attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care; housing facilities; and indoor housing facilities. Cowtown Frenchies 10.6.2022
Andrey Mikirtichev and Elena Mikirtichev. North Chesterfield, Virginia- Mikirtichev also received violations in Quarters 1, 2, and 3 of 2022. At the time of their December 8, 2022, USDA attempted inspection, Mikirtichev received 1 repeat non-critical violation pertaining to access and inspection of records and property. Note: Has violations in 2021. Elena & Andrey Mikirtichev 12.8.22
Madeline Carol Gray, Gray’s Cooper Ridge Kennel. Nickelsville, Virginia- At the time of their December 9, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Gray received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. Madeline Carol Gray 12.9.22
Pet World LTD. Newport News, Virginia- Pet World also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their October 6, 2022, USDA routine inspection of site 1, Pet World received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to indoor housing facilities, veterinary care for dogs, and sanitation. At the time of their October 6, 2022, USDA attempted inspection of site 3, Pet World received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to requirement and application and access and inspection of records and property. Pet World LTD 10.6.22 Pet World LTD Attempted Inspection 10.6.22
RMRS Manufacturing & Distributing Inc AKA Pet & Aquatic Warehouse. Lynchburg, Virginia- At the time of their October 5, 2022, USDA routine inspection, RMRS received 1 repeat non-critical violation pertaining to primary enclosures. Note: The last inspection for this facility was in 2014. RMRS Manufacturing & Distributing Inc 10.5.22
West Virginia
Roger Nottingham Sr., The Berner’s Ranch. Gassaway, West Virginia- At the time of their October 25, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Nottingham received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Roger Nottingham Sr 10.25.22
Carla Brovont, Paws N Play Kennel. Elroy, Wisconsin- At the time of their November 28, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Brovont received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and primary enclosures. We have record of this facility selling to PuppySpot. Carla Brovont 11.28.22
Christy Borntreger and Eli Borntreger, Shady Valley Kennels. Tomah, Wisconsin- At the time of their December 12, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Borntreger received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. We have record of this facility selling to the broker JAKS. Note: Has violations in 2021, including 1 direct violation. Christy & Eli Borntreger 12.12.22
Christy Graber, Kountry Lane Kennel. Hillsboro, Wisconsin- At the time of their November 2, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Graber received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store in Minnesota. Christy Graber 11.2.22
Junior Yutzy. Hillsboro, Wisconsin- Yutzy also receive multiple violations in Quarters 2 and 3 of 2022. At the time of their December 7, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Yutzy received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to primary enclosures, veterinary care for dogs, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Junior Yutzy 12.7.22
Miriam Hoover, Farm House Kennel. Stanley, Wisconsin- Hoover also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their October 26, 2022, USDA routine inspection, Hoover received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store in Iowa and to the broker JAKS. Miriam Hoover 10.26.22
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