2022 USDA Violations: Quarter 2

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Bailing Out Benji is a national nonprofit organization that independently audits government health records and inspection reports in order to connect puppy mills to the various outlets in which they sell. We pay for many of these documents and then make them available for free on our website and to the public in order to provide the transparency that the public deserves before buying a puppy. 

To see our pet store and online broker research, click here.


According to the USDA: An inspection report documents an inspector’s observations and professional assessments of compliance at facilities regulated under the AWA. Below we have compiled a list of all of the USDA dog breeders and brokers that have had violations in Quarter 2 of 2022.

This time period is from April 1st, 2022 to June 30, 2022. 

Editors note: USDA inspectors have 5 days to give a copy of their inspection to the licensee and 30 days to publish their reports online. There may be additional facilities we add to this list once more inspection reports are added to the database.

Omitted from these violations are missed inspections and teachable moments. The list below also only reflects dog and cat breeders and brokers (licenses A and B).

This list of violations below was obtained from the USDA APHIS search engine. Any pet store connections were obtained from various state departments of agriculture. 

You can view our previous reporting on USDA violations in our Quarter 1 report here and our latest reporting on Quarter 3 here. 

This time period is from April 1st, 2022 to June 30, 2022. 


George Cagle, Southern Grace Kennels. Detroit, Alabama- At the time of their May 16, 2022 USDA inspection, Cagle received 1 Direct violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. This facility cancelled their USDA license after these violations, but continue to breed and sell animals. Southern Grace Kennels 5.16.2022. This facility received an Official USDA Warning on June 16, 2022 due to violations received on May 16, 2022. USDA Warning Southern Grace Kennels

Hoof or Paw. Detroit, Alabama- At the time of their May 9, 2022 USDA inspection, Hoof or Paw received 2 non-critical and one critical violation pertaining to housing facilities, outdoor housing facilities and primary enclosures. One of these violations occurred because of the death of an animal. This facility appears to be a rescue or shelter organization. Hoof or Paw 5.9.2022 This facility received an Official USDA Warning on June 16, 2022 due to violations they received on May 9, 2022. USDA Warning Hoof Or Paw


Lavern Coblentz, Green Mountain LLC. La Jara, Colorado- At the time of their April 20, 2022 USDA inspection, Coblentz received 1 violation pertaining to housing facilities. Green Mountain 4.20.2022


James Yoder, Wagging Tails LLC. Ava, Illinois- At the time of their May 25, 2022 USDA inspection, Yoder received 2 violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and housing facilities. Wagging Tails 5.25.2022

Lamar Miller and Loretta Miller, JC Puppies. Arcola, Illinois- At the time of their April 18, 2022 USDA inspection, Miller received 1 violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Lamar Miller 4.18.2022

Sailfin Pet Shop. Champaign, Illinois- At the time of their May 25, 2022 USDA inspection, Sailfin Pet Shop received 1 violation pertaining to primary enclosures. Sailfin Pet Shop 5.25.2022


Envigo RMS, Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana- This research facility holds a Class A Breeder license. At their May 3, 2022 focused inspection, Envigo received 1 USDA violation pertaining to primary enclosures. Envigo 5.3.2022

Martin Miller. Lagrange, Indiana- At the time of their May 25, 2022 USDA inspection, Miller received 2 violations pertaining to veterinary care for dogs and time and method of identification. Martin Miller 5.25.2022 We have record of this breeder selling puppies through USDA broker JAKS Puppies

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Becky Haberman and Brian Haberman, Sunny Hill Puppies AKA Shady Oaks. Northwood, Iowa- At the time of their April 15, 2022 USDA inspection, Haberman received 7 violations pertaining to time and method of identification, records, housing facilities, outdoor housing facilities, feeding, and watering. Becky Haberman 4.15.2022

Brian Sterrenberg, Brian’s Kennels AKA PurebredPups.com. Joice, Iowa- At the time of their April 20, 2022 USDA inspection, Sterrenberg received 3 ‘teachable moment’ notes that other licensees received violations for. These moments recorded were pertaining to records and attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care . Brian Sterrenberg 4.20.2022

Carolyn Anderson, Anderson’s Yorkies. Mason City, Iowa- Anderson has received 31 USDA violations so far in 2022, as they also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At their May 26, 2022 USDA inspection, Anderson received 15 violations, including 1 critical violation, pertaining to time and method of identification, records, handling of animals, housing facilities, compatible grouping, exercise for dogs, and veterinary care for dogs. Carolyn Anderson 5.26.2022

Donald Conrad, Conrad’s Kennel. Keota, Iowa- At the time of their April 20, 2022 USDA inspection, Conrad received 1 violation pertaining to records. Donald Conrad 4.20.2022

Edwin Burkholder and Lucille Burkholder. Riceville, Iowa- At the time of their May 5, 2022 USDA inspection, Burkholder received 6 violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, records, and housing facilities. Edwin Burkholder 5.5.2022

Eli Gingerich and Edna Gingerich. Drakesville, Iowa- At the time of their May 17, 2022 USDA inspection, Gingerich received 2 violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and housing facilities.  Eli Gingerich 5.17.2022. We have record of this facility selling to puppy stores and a major puppy broker in at least six states.

Harley Yoder. Chariton, Iowa- At the time of their April 26, 2022 USDA inspection, Yoder received 1 violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care.  Harley Yoder 4.26.2022. We have record of this facility selling to puppy stores and a major puppy broker in at least seven states.

Henry Sommers, Happy Puppy. Cincinnati, Iowa- Sommers also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their April 25, 2022 USDA inspection, Sommers received 2 direct and 5 noncritical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, housing facilities, watering and veterinary care for dogs. Henry Sommers 4.25.2022.  We have record of this facility selling puppies to a pet store in Nevada

Ida Kauffman, Backyard Kennels. Hazleton, Iowa- At the time of their April 5, 2022 USDA inspection, Kauffman received 5 violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, records and veterinary care for dogs. Ida Kauffman 4.5.2022. We have record of this facility selling to puppy stores and a major puppy broker in at least four states.

Jason Beyer and Sarah Beyer, J&S Puppies. Tama, Iowa- At the time of their April 12, 2022 USDA inspection, Beyer received 3 noncritical and 1 critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, handling of animals and primary enclosures. Jason Beyer 4.12.2022. This facility also received an Official USDA Warning on May 26, 2022 due to violations they received on April 12, 2022. USDA Warning J&S Puppies

Larry Albrecht, Coldwater Kennel. Greene, Iowa- Albrecht also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their May 25, 2022 USDA inspection, Albrecht received 4 USDA violations pertaining to time and method of identification, records, primary enclosures, and compatible grouping. Larry Albrecht 5.25.2022. We have record of this facility selling to puppy stores in at least three states.

Lavern Nolt, Twin Birch Kennels. Charles City, Iowa-  Nolt also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their June 21, 2022 USDA inspection, Nolt received 4 violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, records, and veterinary care for dogs. Lavern Nolt 6.21.2022

Lawrence Nolt. Charles City, Iowa- At the time of their April 28, 2022 USDA inspection, Nolt received 3 USDA violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, primary enclosures, and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Lawrence Nolt 4.28.2022

Linda Thompson, Rolinda Acres Country AKA Thompson’s Puppies. Waterville, Iowa-  Thompson also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their June 16, 2022 USDA inspection, Thompson received  1 violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Linda Thompson 6.16.2022. This facility received an Official USDA Warning on April 14, 2022 due to violations they received on March 10, 2022. USDA Warning Linda Thompson

Loren Yoder. Riverside, Iowa-Yoder also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their June 8, 2022 USDA inspection, Yoder received 2 violations pertaining to housing facilities. Loren Yoder 6.8.2022

Menno Gingerich, Skyline Puppies. Albia, Iowa- Gingerich also received 4 USDA violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At their June 27, 2022 USDA inspection, Gingerich received 7 violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, housing facilities, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. Menno Gingerich 6.27.2022

Ray Eash, Ridge Road Kennels LLC. Blakesburg, Iowa- At the time of their April 13, 2022 USDA inspection, Eash received 1 violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Ridge Road Kennels 4.13.2022

Raymond Nisley, Barkin Acres Kennel. Edgewood, Iowa- At the time of their April 26, 2022 USDA inspection, Nisley received 2 violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care.  Raymond Nisley 4.26.2022. We have record of this facility selling a puppy to King’s Neptune, an Illinois store, through broker JAKS Puppies after this violation and after the state law went into effect prohibiting this. 

Samuel Borntreger. Northwood, Iowa- At the time of their April 11, 2022 USDA inspection, Borntreger received 5 violations pertaining to records, housing facilities, and primary enclosures. Samuel Borntreger. 4.11.2022

Scott Swanson, S&J Kennel. Keota, Iowa- At the time of their June 6, 2022 USDA inspection, Swanson received 6 violations pertaining to housing facilities, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control and veterinary care for dogs. Scott Swanson 6.6.2022. We have record of this facility selling puppies to pet stores in Virginia.

Steve Kruse, Kruse Kennels AKA Stonehenge Kennels. West Point, Iowa-  Kruse also received USDA violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their June 22, 2022 USDA inspection, Kruse received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Steve Kruse 6.22.2022

Woody Wiley. Cantril, Iowa- This facility also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their May 24, 2022 USDA inspection, Wiley received 1 USDA violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Woody Wiley 5.24.2022


Eric Laderer and Vickie Laderer. Fulton, Kansas- At the time of their May 11, 2022 USDA inspection, Laderer received 4 violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, housing facilities, and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Eric Laderer 5.11.2022

Greg Jones. Parsons, Kansas- At the time of their June 2, 2022 USDA inspection, Jones received 2 violations pertaining to records and veterinary care for dogs. Greg Jones 6.2.2022

Jim Kramer, Auction House. Arcadia, Kansas- This facility received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. On April 14, 2022, this facility also received an Official USDA Warning due to violations they received on February 26, 2022. USDA Warning Jim Kramer

Mary Moore, D&M Kennel. Uniontown, Kansas- At the time of their May 25, 2022 USDA inspection, Moore received 5 violations pertaining to time and method of identification, records, housing facilities, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control and veterinary care for dogs.  Mary Moore 5.25.2022


Lynn Thompson, Furry Little Angels AKA Lynn Creek Chihuahuas. Brooksville, Mississippi- At the time of their May 6, 2022 USDA inspection, Thompson received 6 violations pertaining to time and method of identification, records, housing facilities, and veterinary care for dogs. Lynn Thompson 5.6.2022


Andy Borntrager and Verna Borntrager, Borntrager Kennels. Norwood, Missouri- At the time of their June 14, 2022 USDA inspection, Borntrager received 2 violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and watering. Andy Borntrager 6.14.2022

Andy Gingerich. Clark, Missouri- At the time of their April 12, 2022 USDA inspection, Gingerich received 1 violation pertaining to housing facilities. Andy Gingerich. 4.12.2022

Deanna Brundage. Mercer, Missouri- One June 1, 2022 this facility was fined $12,000 and is permanently disqualified from holding a USDA license. USDA Order Deanna Brundage

Edna Troyer and Elmer Troyer, Timber View Kennel. Clark, Missouri- Troyer also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their May 18, 2022 USDA inspection, Troyer received 1 violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control.  Edna Troyer 5.18.2022 We have record of this facility selling puppies to pet stores in at least 6 states.

Ellen Roberts, Rocky Top K-9s . West Plains, Missouri- Roberts also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their May 19, 2022 USDA inspection, Roberts received 3 violations pertaining to primary enclosures and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Ellen Roberts 5.19.2022. We have record of this facility selling puppies to pet stores in Florida. 

Joel Ponting, Boulder Oaks Kennel LLC. West Plains, Missouri- At the time of their June 22, 2022 USDA inspection, Boulder Oaks received 1 violation pertaining to primary enclosures. Boulder Oaks Kennel 6.22.2022

Joey Bishop. Seneca, Missouri- Bishop received an Official USDA Warning on June 9, 2022 due to violations received on April 1, 2022. Those violations are not public on the USDA website. Official USDA Warning Joey Bishop

Linda Williams and Matt Williams. Wentworth, Missouri- At the time of their April 15, 2022 USDA inspection, Williams received 1 violation pertaining to primary enclosures. Linda Williams 4.15.2022

Lisa Stark, Toybox Puppies. Barnett, Missouri- At the time of their June 22, 2022 USDA inspection, Stark received 1 violations pertaining to primary enclosures. Toybox Puppies 6.22.2022

Marilyn Byerley, MB Kennel. Mountain Grove, Missouri- At the time of their June 8, 2022 USDA inspection, MB Kennel received 3 violations pertaining to records, outdoor housing facilities, and veterinary care for dogs. MB Kennel. 6.8.2022

Melissa Bilbruck. Bates City, Missouri- On June 9, 2022 the USDA inspected Bilbruck’s associated address to find that they were operating as a dog dealer without a valid USDA license. Melissa Bilbruck 6.9.2022

Tom Nelson, Oak Ridge Pets. Macon, Missouri- At the time of their May 20, 2022 USDA inspection, Nelson received 1 violation pertaining to primary enclosures. Tom Nelson 5.20.2022

Vickie Burden, B&H Kennels. Dora, Missouri- At the time of their April 12, 2022  USDA inspection, Burden received 1 direct and 1 non direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and records. Burden also received 1 violation pertaining to records at a follow up, focused inspection. Vickie Burden 4.12.2022 Vickie Burden 4.22.2022. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in Texas. This facility also received an Official USDA Warning on May 26, 2022 due to violations they received on April 12, 2022. USDA Warning Vickie Burden


Randy Schweitzer, Route 6 Kennels. Milford, Nebraska- At the time of their April 26, 2022 USDA inspection, Schweitzer refused to allow the inspector to take photos during the inspection. This refusal caused the inspection to stop. Randy Schweitzer 4.26.2022

New York

Aaron Zimmerman. Dundee, New York- At the time of their April 18, 2022 USDA inspection, Zimmerman received 1 direct and 1 non-critical violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control and veterinary care for dogs. Aaron Zimmerman 4.18.2022. This facility received an Official USDA Warning on May 19, 2022 due to violations received on April 18, 2022. USDA Warning Aaron Zimmerman

Ammon Martin. Penn Yan, New York- At the time of their June 14, 2022 USDA inspection, Martin received 1 violation pertaining to records. Ammon Martin 6.14.2022

Marshall Farms Group LTD. North Rose, New York- This research facility holds a Class A breeder license. At their April 4, 2022 USDA inspection, Marshall Farms received 1 violation pertaining to housing facilities. Marshall Farms Group LTD. 4.4.2022

Matthew Sensenig, Hidden Acres Kennels. Penn Yan, New York- At the time of their April 12, 2022 USDA inspection, Sensenig received 1 violation pertaining to housing facilities. Matthew Sensenig 4.12.2022

Melvin Shirk. Penn Yan, New York- At the time of their June 14, 2022 USDA inspection, Shirk received 2 violations pertaining to  housing facilities and veterinary care for dogs. Melvin Shirk 6.14.2022

Samuel Brubacker, Hilltop Country Kennel. Dundee, New York-  Brubacker also received USDA violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their April 28, 2022 USDA inspection, Brubacker received 1 violation pertaining to sheltered housing facilities. Samuel Brubacker 4.28.2022

Samuel Zimmerman, S&L Kennels. Dundee, New York- At the time of their May 25, 2022 USDA inspection, Zimmerman received 2 violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Samuel Zimmerman 5.25.2022

Shem Swarey. Fort Plain, New York- At the time of their May 17, 2022 USDA inspection, Swarey received 1 violations pertaining to records. Shem Swarey 5.17.2022

Stevie Hoover, Hill Country Kennel. Dundee, New York- At the time of their April 12, 2022 USDA inspection, Hoover received 1 violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Stevie Hoover 4.12.2022


Paul Yoder. Millersburg, Ohio- On April 19, 2022 a USDA inspector arrived at Yoder’s facility to confirm that they were conducting AWA regulated activity without a license. This inspection has since been removed from the USDA website. Paul Yoder 4.19.2022. This facility received an Official USDA Warning on May 26, 2022 due to violations they received on April 19, 2022. USDA Warning Paul Yoder

Treeline Kennel. Alexandria Ohio- Treeline Kennel received an Official USDA Warning onJune 27, 2021 due to violations incurred in December 2021. USDA Warning Treeline Kennel


Chris McGill, Horseshoe Lane AKA Chris’s Kennel. Mcalester, Oklahoma- At the time of their May 19, 2022 USDA inspection, McGill received 4 direct and 2 noncritical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, records, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control and employees. Chris McGill 5.19.2022. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in Texas. 

Rhonda Frederick, Luvable Puppies. Okmulgee, Oklahoma- At the time of their April 21, 2022 USDA inspection, Frederick received 2 violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and housing facilities. Rhonda Frederick 4.21.2022. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in Texas. 

Tamara Blackoak Skinner, PomPered Biewers. Cleveland, Oklahoma- This facility received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. This facility also received an Official USDA Warning on May 12, 2022 due to the violations from their March 28, 2022 inspection. USDA Warning Tamara Blackoak Skinner


Crist Lapp, Meadow View Kennel. Ronks, Pennsylvania- At the time of their June 1, 2022 USDA inspection, Lapp had 1 violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Lapp also had an additional 2 violations pertaining to veterinary care at their April 4, 2022 inspection. Crist Lapp 4.4.2022  Crist Lapp 6.1.2022

Marlin Zimmerman and Esther Zimmerman, Turkey Hill Kennel. East Earl, Pennsylvania- At their April 26, 2022 USDA inspection, Zimmerman received 1 USDA violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Marlin Zimmerman 4.26.2022

South Dakota

Cindy Hubers, Da Pa Kli Kennels. Harrison, South Dakota- At the time of their April 4, 2022 USDA inspection, Hubers received 1 direct and 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Cindy Hubers 4.4.2022. This facility received an Official USDA Warning on May 19, 2022 due to violations they received on April 4, 2022. USDA Warning Cindy Hubers . Hubers was also actively selling to the Nebraska dog broker Crittersville during this time period. 

Vickie Hines, Lar-Kie Kennel. Woonsocket, South Dakota- At the time of their May 26, 2022 USDA inspection, Hines received 8 USDA violations pertaining to time and method of identification, records, housing facilities, primary enclosures, and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Vickie Hines 5.26.2022


Angela Shubert, A 1 Puppy. Morris Chapel, Tennessee. At the time of their April 27, 2022 USDA inspection, Shubert received 3 ‘teachable moments’ that other licensees received violations for. Those teachable moments were pertaining to housing facilities, primary enclosures and veterinary care for dogs. Angela Shubert, 4.27.2022

Paws of Dale Hollow. Byrdstown, Tennessee- At the time of their April 25, 2022 USDA inspection, Paws of Dale Hollow received 3 violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification and housing facilities. Paws of Dale Hollow. 4.25.2022


Carla McNeal. Riner, Virginia- On April 4, 2022 a USDA inspection was conducted and determined that McNeal was participating in AWA regulated activity without a brokering license. Carla McNeal 4.4.2022


Traipse Bengals. Issaquah, Washington- At the time of their May 24, 2022 USDA inspection, Traipse received 1 violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Traipse Bengals 5.24.2022


Abner Renno and Mary Renno. Platteville, Wisconsin- At the time of their May 3, 2022 USDA inspection, Renno received 3 violations pertaining to time and method of identification and records. Abner Renno 5.3.2022

Joseph Borkholder. Hillsboro, Wisconsin- At the time of their April 4, 2022 USDA inspection, Borkholder received 2 violations pertaining to primary enclosures. Joseph Borkholder 4.4.2022

Joseph Schrock. Cadott, Wisconsin- At the time of their April 12, 2022 USDA inspection, Schrock received 2 violations pertaining to time and method of identification. Joseph Schrock 4.12.2022

Junior Yutzy. Hillsboro, Wisconsin- At the time of their April 28, 2022 USDA inspection, Yutzy received 6 violations pertaining to time and method of identification, records, housing facilities, primary enclosures and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Junior Yutzy 4.28.2022

Linda Swarr, Joy Kennels. Curtiss, Wisconsin- At the time of their April 12, 2022 USDA inspection, Swarr received 1 violation pertaining to time and method of identification. Linda Swarr 4.12.2022

Ralph Martin. Thorp, Wisconsin- At the time of their June 21, 2022 USDA inspection, Martin received 2 violations pertaining to sheltered housing facilities and veterinary care for dogs. Ralph Martin 6.21.2022

Timothy Schwartz, Dilly Ridge Dogs. Hillsboro, Wisconsin- Schwartz also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their April 29, 2022 USDA inspection, Schwartz received 1 violation pertaining to watering. Timothy Schwartz 4.29.2022



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