Each year on July 21st, Bailing Out Benji celebrates “No Pet Store Puppies Day” and this year we are asking all of you to celebrate with us!

Photos from our 2016 protest in Ames, Iowa.
As you already know, Bailing Out Benji committed to ending the sale of commercially bred puppies, kittens and rabbits in pet stores! Through research, education and local ordinances we are ending the puppy mill to pet store pipeline, which is causing many puppy mills to greatly downsize and even close. July 21st is National “No Pet Store Puppies Day” and it is a day meant to educate your friends and family about where pet store puppies actually come from. This is also the perfect opportunity to remind everyone that you should boycott buying toys, food or other supplies from stores that sell puppies.
Puppy Mills are a huge problem in this country. With documented cruelty and neglect regularly occurring inside of thousands of “licensed and inspected facilities”, the answer falls on the public to demand change. The adult breeding dogs are often living in small, oversized, wire kennels with little-to-no veterinary care. They aren’t able to run and play on the grass, play with toys or even have a sleeping area that is clean from their urine and feces. Once their puppies are 5-7 weeks old, they are taken away and prepped to be sold to pet stores or online websites. Once the public learns about this cruel connection and stop demanding the puppies, the mills will go out of business once and for all.
Today we are asking YOU to put “No Pet Store Puppies Day” on your calendar and help us flood social media (and the real world) with our message that puppies, kittens and rabbits should not be sold in a retail setting!
Here are a few easy things you can do to help:
- On July 21st, post a selfie of you wearing our “Say to NO Pet Store Puppies” shirt on social media using the hashtags #NoPetStorePuppies #BailingOutBenji and #EndPuppyMills . If you don’t have a shirt yet, you can buy one here. 100% of each sale comes back to help us fight the cruel puppy mill industry!
- Help us educate about where pet store puppies really come from by sharing our store-specific research. We are committed to exposing pet stores across the country by linking them to the exact facilities they are sourcing from.
- Where applicable, email your city council and ask them to pass a humane ordinance! We will help with the language and educational materials.
- Share our family-friendly PSAs and help us educate the public about where to humanely acquire a pet! We have one version about supply and demand and another about puppy mills and where they sell to.
- Submit a Letter to the Editor in your local paper to help raise awareness about puppy mills and their connection to pet stores and online websites. Here is a draft that you can copy and paste or use for inspiration: LTE- No Pet Store Puppies Day
- Make a donation in honor of the puppy mill dogs still trapped. Help us continue our important work fighting this cruel industry!