Fireworks can be incredibly stressful on our pets, as well as wildlife. The days leading up to and following the Fourth of July are very busy for shelters and rescues, as many pets become startled and lost due to the loud noises and flashing lights. With your help, we can keep the pets in your community safe and with their families this firework season.
To keep your pets safe, follow our five simple steps outlined below!
1. Make sure your pet is wearing a collar and has a tag with your current contact information. If your pet ever becomes lost, a tag with your phone number is the quickest way to get them home as soon as they are found! Tags that have old phone numbers on it make it harder to get your beloved pet back home.
2. Update your pet’s microchip information. When a pet is found without tags, they are often scanned for a microchip. It is very important to keep this information up-to-date as well. If your pet is not microchipped, consider contacting your veterinarian to get this simple procedure done. Microchips help reunite families in the case that their collars are removed or the tag information is not up to date.
3. Make sure your fence is secure. Keeping your pets inside during fireworks is very important in keeping them safe, but sometimes your neighbors will set them off unannounced. Make sure that your fence is secure and any escape routes are fixed. If your pet lives outside, please consider bringing them in to your home while fireworks are going off.
4. Contact your veterinarian to refill anxiety medications. If your pet is in severe distress during storms and fireworks, have a conversation with your veterinarian about potential medications they can prescribe to help keep your pet calm.
5. Get a quiet area prepared. Turn on the TV, get a comfy pet bed and help keep your best friend distracted during the height of the fireworks.
If you find a lost pet, call the name on their tag and try to get them home. If the pet does not have a tag, contact your local shelter or veterinary clinic to get them scanned for a microchip. If you post a photo to social media, please make sure the family has proof the pet is theirs before reuniting them.
We can’t do our important work without your help.
We are a small nonprofit organization that makes big changes with very few resources. Our research is used by the leading animal welfare organizations across the country, because what we do is so unique and important. To make a one time donation or to sign up to be a sustaining supporter to allow us to continue our various programs that expose the puppy mill industry, click the donate button below.