“Meet the Survivors” is a series that was inspired by our blog “Tails and Truths” which is authored by Becky Monroe.
Becky uses her writing talents and voice to showcase puppy mill survivors who have found their freedom after a life as a breeding dog in a puppy mill. By sharing their stories with the world, Becky and the families of the survivors have found a way to honor these amazing dogs and educate countless people about this very cruel industry.
To meet the dogs, please click on each image below.
Meet Buck
Meet Eleanor
Meet Lacy
Meet Trixie and Trudy
Meet Tashi
Meet Tippy
Meet Lui
Meet Pippa, Juno and Cheetah
Meet Willow
Meet Wrigley
Meet Nutmeg
Meet Casey
Meet Evan
Meet Leine
Meet Stella Marie
Meet Midge
Meet Sofie Bug
Meet Thorp
If you would like to share your puppy mill survivor’s story with our supporters, we would love to publish it on Tails and Truths! Just email Becky Monroe at bmonroe@bailingoutbenji.com.