Bailing Out Benji is a national nonprofit organization that exists to provide transparency into the puppy mill industry. We forensically audit government health records and inspection reports in order to connect puppy mills and commercial dog breeders to the various outlets in which they sell. We pay for many of these documents and then make them available for free on our website and to the public in order to provide the transparency that the public deserves before buying a puppy.
To see our pet store and online broker research, click here.
According to the USDA: An inspection report documents an inspector’s observations and professional assessments of compliance at facilities regulated under the AWA. Below we have compiled a list of all of the USDA dog breeders and brokers that have had violations in Quarter 3 of 2022.
This time period is from July 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2022.
Editors note: USDA inspectors have 5 days to give a copy of their inspection to the licensee and 30 days to publish their reports online. There may be additional facilities we add to this list once more inspection reports are added to the database.
Omitted from these violations are missed inspections and teachable moments. The list below also only reflects dog and cat breeders and brokers (licenses A and B).
This list of violations below was obtained from the USDA APHIS search engine. Any pet store connections were obtained from various state departments of agriculture.

This time period is from July 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2022.
Hoof or Paw. Detroit, Alabama- Hoof or Paw also received violations and an Official USDA Warning in Quarter 2 of 2022. At the time of their September 12, 2022, USDA inspection, Hoof or Paw received 5 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification, housing facilities, outdoor housing facilities, primary enclosures, and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. This facility appears to be a rescue or shelter organization. At their September 12, 2022, focused inspection, Hoof or Paw received 1 direct violation pertaining to watering. Hoof or Paw 9.12.2022 and Hoof or Paw 9.12.2022 Focused
Cindy Garner and Dwayne Garner. Booneville, Arkansas- At the time of their September 12, 2022, USDA inspection, Garner received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to contingency planning and veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling to pet stores in at least three states. Cindy Garner 9.12.2022
Dorothy O’Bar, Jodot Farm. Booneville, Arkansas- At the time of their August 16, 2022, USDA inspection, O’Bar received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to contingency planning, housing facilities, and veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling puppies to at least one pet store in Maine. Dorothy O’ Bar 8.16.2022
Elisa Brandvik. Ozark, Arkansas- At the time of their August 1, 2022, USDA inspection, Brandvik received 4 non-critical and 1 direct violation pertaining to primary enclosures, watering, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. At the time of their August 11, 2022 inspection, Brandvik received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. This facility received an Official USDA Warning on September 8, 2022, due to the violations on August 1, 2022. Elisa Brandvik 8.1.2022 Elisa Brandvik 8.11.2022 USDA Warning Elisa Brandvik
Jerrie Joyce Gray. Searcy, Arkansas- At the time of their September 19, 2022, USDA inspection, Gray received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to contingency planning. Jerrie Gray 9.19.2022
Katherine Reece and Don Reece, Reece Kennel Cattery. Danville, Arkansas- At the time of their August 26, 2022, USDA inspection, Reece received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to access and inspection of records and property; submission of itineraries. Katherine & Don Reece 8.26.2022
Mia Prince, AR Premium Pets. Center Ridge, Arkansas- At the time of their August 24, 2022 USDA inspection, this facility received 1 non-critical violations pertaining to access to water. AR Premium Pets 8.24.2022
Michele R. George. Hindsville, Arkansas- At the time of their September 8, 2022, USDA inspection, George received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to sheltered housing facilities. Michele George 9.8.2022
Phil Weymouth and Yolanda Weymouth. Subiaco, Arkansas- At the time of their September 13, 2022, USDA inspection, Weymouth received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to contingency planning. Phil Weymouth & Yolanda Weymouth 9.13.2022
Shelba Canfield, Brooklyn Hill Kennels. Scranton, Arkansas- At the time of their September 13, 2022, USDA inspection, Canfield received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to contingency planning and veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling puppies to pet stores in at least two states. Phil Weymouth & Yolanda Weymouth 9.13.2022
Sherry Crossno and Steve Crossno, Painted Bluff Farm. Dardanelle, Arkansas- At the time of their August 24, 2022, USDA inspection, Crossno received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to contingency planning. Sherry Crossno & Steve Crossno 8.24.2022
Daniel F. Wingard, Valleyhill Pups. Bristol, Indiana- At the time of their August 30, 2022, USDA inspection, Wingard received 1 direct and 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. This facility received an Official USDA Warning October 5, 2022 due to violations received on August 30, 2022. We have record of this facility selling puppies to at least one pet store in Pennsylvania. Daniel Wingard 8.30.2022 USDA Warning Daniel Wingard
Harvey Wagler. Odon, Indiana- At the time of their June 15, 2022, USDA inspection, Wagler received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. Harvey Wagler 6.15.2022
Kevin Wagler, K&R Farms. Montgomery, Indiana- At the time of their September 15, 2022, USDA inspection, Wagler received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. Kevin Wagler 9.15.2022
Willis Knepp. Montgomery, Indiana- At the time of their August 2, 2022, USDA inspection, Knepp received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification, and veterinary care for dogs.Willis Knepp 8.2.2022
Alicia Krogmann. Mount Vernon, Iowa- At the time of their July 6, 2022, USDA inspection, Krogmann received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, records, and veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store that has locations in Illinois and Iowa. Alicia Krogmann 7.6.2022
Alta Z Martin. Ionia, Iowa- At the time of their August 2, 2022, USDA new site inspection, Martin received 9 non-critical violations pertaining to requirements and application, attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, records, housing facilities, and veterinary care for dogs. At the time of their August 18, 2022, new site inspection, Martin received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. At the time of their August 30, 2022, new site inspection, Martin received 1 non-critical violation again pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Alta Martin 8.2.2022 Alta Martin 8.18.2022 Alta Martin 8.30.2022
Brian Felton. Centerville, Iowa- Felton also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their August 9, 2022, USDA inspection, Felton received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. We have record of this facility selling puppies through at least one broker. Brian Felton 8.9.2022
Carolyn Anderson, Anderson’s Yorkies. Mason City, Iowa- Anderson has received 38 USDA violations so far in 2022, as they also received violations in Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2022. At their July 19, 2022, USDA focused inspection, Anderson received 5 non-critical and 1 critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, records, housing facilities, watering, and veterinary care for dogs. At the time of their August 22, 2022, focused inspection, Anderson received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. Carolyn Anderson 7.19.2022 Carolyn Anderson 8.22.2022
Edwin Burkholder and Lucille Burkholder. Riceville, Iowa- Burkholder also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2022. At the time of their July 28, 2022, USDA inspection, Burkholder received 8 non-critical violations pertaining to records, housing facilities, exercise for dogs, and veterinary care for dogs. Edwin & Lucille Burkholder 7.28.2022
Elliot Remick. Mount Pleasant, Iowa- At the time of their August 15, 2022, USDA inspection, Remick received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to requirements and application. Performing regulated activities without a USDA license. Elliott Remick 8.15.2022
Heather Anderson. Farmington, Iowa- at the time of their July 13, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Anderson received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to primary enclosures. The inspection was a re-license inspection for a Class A license.Heather Anderson 7.13.2022
Henry Sommers, Happy Puppy. Cincinnati, Iowa- Sommers also received violations in Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2022. At the time of their August 16, 2022, USDA inspection, Sommers received 8 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, housing facilities, primary enclosures, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling puppies to at least one pet store in Nevada. Henry Sommers 8.16.2022
Ida Kauffman, Backyard Kennels. Hazelton, Iowa- Kauffman also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2022. At the time of their August 16, 2022, USDA inspection, Kauffman received 8 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, records, housing facilities, sheltered housing facilities, and veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling to puppy stores and a major puppy broker in at least four states. Ida Kauffman 8.16.2022
Loren Yoder. Riverside, Iowa- Yoder also received violations in Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2022. At the time of their September 12, 2022, USDA inspection, Yoder received 1 direct and 6 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, records, housing facilities, primary enclosures, and feeding. Loren Yoder 9.12.2022
Lloyd Yoder, Meadow View Premier Puppies formerly known as Valley View Premium Puppies. Riverside, Iowa- This facility also received 21 violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their September 12, 2022, USDA inspection, Meadow View Premier Puppies received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to records and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. On the same date, Valleyview Premium Puppies received 1 violation pertaining to records. This facility cancelled their license under the name “Valley View Premium Puppies” and began a new license under Meadow View Premier Puppies after receiving numerous violations this year. Meadow View Premier Puppies 9.12.2022 Valley View Premium Puppies 9.12.2022
Samuel Borntreger. Northwood, Iowa- Borntreger also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2022. At the time of their September 7, 2022, USDA inspection, Borntreger received 6 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, records, housing facilities, primary enclosures, and veterinary care for dogs. Samuel Borntreger 9.7.2022
Steve Kruse, Stonehenge Kennel. West Point, Iowa- Kruse also received violations in Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2022. At the time of their August 17, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Kruse received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and housing facilities. Steve Kruse 8.17.2022
William Davenport. Thayer, Iowa- At the time of their July 26, 2022 USDA Inspection, Davenport received 2 violations pertaining to requirements and application and access and inspection of records. William Davenport 7.26.2022
Danell Rife and Joseph Rife. Westphalia, Kansas- At the time of their July 27, 2022, USDA inspection, Rife received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Danell Rife 7.27.2022
Greg Jones. Parsons, Kansas- Jones also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2022. At the time of their August 30, 2022, USDA inspection, Jones received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. Greg Jones 8.30.2022
Catitude. Calumet, Michigan- At the time of their August 23, 2022 USDA Inspection, this facility admitted that they were conducting regulated activity without a license. That violation led to an official warning from the USDA. Cattitude 8.23.2022 USDA Warning Cattitude
Nathan Steury. Camden, Michigan- Steury also received a violation in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their July 27, 2022, USDA inspection, Steury received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. Nathan Steaury 7.27.2022
John Henry Miller. Utica, Minnesota- At the time of their July 19, 2022, USDA inspection, Miller received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to minimum age requirements for resale. Miller sells to pet stores in at least 4 states and through one major dog broker. John Miller 7.19.2022
Lynn Thompson, Furry Little Angels AKA Lynn Creek Chihuahuas. Brooksville, Mississippi- Thompson also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2022. At the time of their September 16, 2022, USDA inspection, Thompson received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to contingency planning and veterinary care for dogs. Lynn Thompson 9.16.2022
Bernetta Williams. Norwood, Missouri- At the time of their August 2, 2022, USDA inspection, Williams received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and time and method of identification. Bernetta Williams 8.2.2022
Bobbie Lyell and Charleen Lyell, Royal Heritage Kennel. Hartville, Missouri- At the time of their August 8, 2022, USDA inspection, Royal Heritage Kennel received 1 direct and 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and handling of animals. This facility received an Official USDA Warning October 19, 2022, due to violations received on August 8, 2022. We have record of this facility selling puppies to pet stores in at least two states. Royal Heritage Kennel LLC 8.8.2022 USDA Warning Royal Heritage Kennel LLC
Carolyn Lansdown and Clifford Lansdown, TLC Kennels. Hartville, Missouri- At the time of their July 13, 2022, USDA inspection, Lansdown received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate care. This facility received an Official USDA Warning on August 28, 2022, due to the violation on July 13, 2022. Carolyn Lansdown 7.13.2022 USDA Warning Carolyn Lansdown
Jacob Zook (ES), Zooks Kennel. Tunas, Missouri- At the time of their July 14, 2022, USDA inspection, Zook received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to time and method of identification. Jacob ES Zook 7.14.2022
John Reiff AKA Anna Mary Reiff, Rocky Branch Kennel. Latham, Missouri- After being listed as one of the worst puppy mills in the nation in 2017 and 2014, Reiff cancelled their previous license and began a new one at the same address but under a different name. At the time of their September 14, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Reiff received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to removal and disposal of tags, records, and primary enclosures. John Reiff 9.14.2022
Mary Ann Smith, Smiths Kennels. Salem, Missouri- At the time of their July 19, 2022, USDA inspection, Smith received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities, watering, and veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling puppies to pet stores in at least 6 states.Mary Ann Smith 7.19.2022
Melissa Bilbruck. Bates City, Missouri- Bilbruck received an Official USDA Warning stemming from violations they received on June 9th, 2022. USDA Warning Melissa Bilbruck
Ruben Rissler and Eva Mae Rissler, R&R Kennel. Barnett, Missouri- At the time of their September 7, 2022, USDA inspection, Rissler received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this breeder selling puppies through at least one dog broker. Ruben Rissler & Eva Mae Rissler 9.7.2022
Stephen A. Bennett. Theodosia, Missouri- At the time of their September 28, 2022, USDA inspection, Bennett received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification, records, and veterinary care for dogs. Stephen Bennett 9.28.2022
Tina Martin and Troy Martin, TNT Puppies. Holden, Missouri- At the time of their September 21, 2022, USDA inspection, Martin received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Tina Martin & Troy Martin 9.21.2022
Jack’s Pet Center. Great Falls, Montana- At the time of their June 30, 2022, USDA inspection, Jack’s Pet Center received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities. Jack’s Pet Center 6.30.2022
John Troyer, Andrew Troyer, and Jim Troyer, Troyer Kennel. Milford, Nebraska- At the time of their August 24, 2022, USDA inspection, Troyer received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. John, Andrew, & Jim Troyer 8.24.2022
New York
Aaron Zimmerman. Dundee, New York- Zimmerman also received violations during Quarter 2 of 2022. At the time of their July 28, 2022, USDA inspection, Zimmerman received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Aaron Zimmerman 7.28.2022
Barbara Ann Miller, Millers Country Puppies. Panama, New York- At the time of their August 1, 2022, USDA inspection, Millers Country Puppies received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities and cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Millers Country Puppies 8.1.2022
Daniel Yoder and Sadie Yoder. Jasper, New york- At the time of their August 19, 2022, USDA inspection, Yoder received 1 critical and 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities and attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. This facility received an Official USDA Warning on October 5, 2022, due to violations received on August 19, 2022. Sadie & Daniel Yoder 8.19.2022 USDA Warning Sadie & Daniel Yoder
Andy Nisley, Nunda Valley Kennels. Howard, Ohio- Nisley received an Official USDA Warning during Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their September 13, 2022, USDA inspection, Nisley received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. Andy Nisley 9.13.2022
David R Yoder, Waterfall Puppies. Dundee, Ohio- At the time of their September 27, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Waterfall Puppies received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to primary enclosures, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. Waterfall Puppies 9.27.2022
Dennis Hershberger, Hershey Puppy Pals. Charm, Ohio- At the time of their September 29, 2022, USDA inspection, Hershberger received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Dennis Hershberger 9.29.2022
Dennis Mast and Susan Mast Yoder, Alpine Lane Paws LTD. Dundee, Ohio- At the time of their August 22, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Alpine Lane Paws received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to housing facilities. Alpine Lane Paws LTD 8.22.2022
Harvey Troyer, Sunrise Kennel. Baltic, Ohio- At the time of their September 28, 2022, USDA inspection, Troyer received 5 non-critical violations pertaining to records, primary enclosures, and veterinary care for dogs. Harvey Troyer 9.28.2022
Henry Wengerd. Dundee, Ohio- At the time of their September 26, 2022, USDA inspection, Wengerd received 5 non-critical violations pertaining to housing facilities, feeding, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, pest control, and veterinary care for dogs. Henry Wengerd 9.26.2022
Melvin E. Troyer, Dutch Fork Harness Horses. Apple Creek, Ohio- At the time of their September 26, 2022, USDA inspection, Troyer received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to records and veterinary care for dogs. Melvin Troyer 9.26.2022
Mose Miller, Maple View Miller AKA Maple View Kennel. Baltic, Ohio- At the time of their September 28, 2022, USDA inspection, Miller received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Mose Miller 9.28.2022
Nathan Bazler and Sarah Bazler, Little Puppies Online AKA Dogs to the Rescue Ohio. Mount Vernon, Ohio- This facility received an Official USDA Warning on August 17, 2022 due to violations stemming from a December 21, 2021 USDA inspection. Official USDA Warning Little Puppies Online
Ronnie Coblentz, Woodland Puppies LLC. Millersburg, Ohio- At the time of their September 27, 2022, USDA inspection, Woodland Puppies received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to exercise for dogs and veterinary care for dogs. Woodland Puppies LLC 9.27.2022
Chris McGill, Horseshoe Lane AKA Chris’s Kennel. Mcalester, Oklahoma- McGill received an Official USDA Warning due to violations received on May 19, 2022. You can view those violations in our Quarter 2 report. USDA Warning Chris McGill
Cynthia Paula Jack, Coal Creek Kennel. Stringtown, Oklahoma- Jack also received violations in Quarter 1 of 2022. At the time of their June 28, 2022, USDA inspection, Jack received 1 direct violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Cynthia Paula Jack 6.28.2022
Teresa Graham, Graham’s Kennels. Garvin, Oklahoma- At the time of their August 24, 2022, USDA inspection, Graham received 2 direct violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care and indoor housing facilities. This facility received an Official USDA Warning on October 5, 2022, due to violations received on August 24, 2022. Teresa Graham 8.24.2022 USDA Warning Teresa Graham
Amos King and Rebecca King. Blain, Pennsylvania- At the time of their August 11, 2022, USDA inspection, King received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Amos & Rebecca King 8.11.2022
John Jay Lapp, Peaceful Acres Puppies LLC. Millerstown, Pennsylvania- At the time of their August 2, 2022, USDA inspection, Peaceful Acres Puppies received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to records. Peaceful Acres Puppies LLC 8.2.2022
Jonas Stoltzfus, True Dreem Kennel. Rebersburg, Pennsylvania- At the time of their August 10, 2022, USDA inspection, True Dreem Kennel received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to exercise and veterinary care for dogs. Tru Dreem Kennel 8.10.2022
Barbara Bridges, The Dog House. Enville, Tennessee- At the time of their August 9, 2022, USDA Inspection, Bridges received 3 non-critical violations pertaining to time and method of identification, and veterinary care for dogs. Barbara Bridges 8.9.2022
Puget Sound Doodles LLC. Lyman, Washington- At the time of their September 20, 2022, USDA inspection, Puget Sound Doodles received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. Puget Sound Doodles LLC 9.20.2022
Andrew Miller. Abbotsford, Wisconsin- At the time of their September 7, 2022, USDA inspection, Miller received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to time and method of identification. Andrew Miller 9.7.2022
Daniel L. Yoder, Rainbow Ridge Kennels. Cashton, Wisconsin- At the time of their July 20, 2022, USDA inspection, Yoder received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling puppies through at least one dog broker. Daniel Yoder 7.20.2022
Esther Schlueter, El Ranchito Pets INC. Cazenovia, Wisconsin- At the time of their July 27, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, El Ranchito Pets received 2 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, and veterinary care for dogs. We have record of this facility selling to at least one pet store in Wisconsin. El Ranchito Pets INC 7.27.2022
Harley E. Bontrager. Cambria, Wisconsin- At the time of their July 27, 2022, USDA inspection, Bontrager received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. Harley E. Bontrager 7.27.2022
Jill Kane and Clinton Kane, Tri Valley Resources LLC. Spring Green, Wisconsin- At the time of their September 28, 2022, USDA inspection, Tri Valley Resources received 1 non-critical violation pertaining to primary enclosures.Tri Valley Resources LLC 9.28.2022
Junior Yutzy. Hillsboro, Wisconsin- Yutzy also received violations in Quarter 2 of 2022. At the time of their August 24, 2022, USDA inspection, Yutzy received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, time and method of identification, primary enclosures, cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control. Junior Yutzy 8.24.2022
Paul Zimmerman. Boyd, Wisconsin- At the time of their July 5, 2022, USDA re-license inspection, Zimmerman received 4 non-critical violations pertaining to attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care, primary enclosures, and veterinary care for dogs. Zimmerman also missed his follow up inspection on September 6, 2022. Paul Zimmerman 7.5.2022
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