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While Texas isn’t one of the worst states in the nation when it comes to puppy mills, it is no stranger to the commercial dog breeding industry. The Lone Star State is home to over 118 puppy mills, and several of them are consistently some of the worst in the entire country. Below we want to detail some of the worst puppy mills in the state of Texas to help raise awareness about the issue.
2017 Horrible Hundred Breeders
- Rachel and Seth Armstrong/ Rachel Pierson, AY RAAM Farms LLC, Kingsbury, Texas AKC breeder fined for selling puppies without a state license, unsafe and unsanitary conditions for puppies.
- Jack and Dorothy Foreman, Dorothy’s Perfect Pets, Marshall, Texas. Fined $1,500 for operating a breeding kennel without a license; dalmatians kept in small, stacked wire crates in dismal conditions.
- Alejandro Franco, Fairytail Puppies, Mission, Texas. Fined $2,775 for selling underage, sickly puppy; not licensed to sell puppies online.
- Susan Franz, Belton, Texas (REPEAT OFFENDER). Violations found at 12 USDA inspections between 2013 and 2016; dog had crusted lesion and red, inflamed skin. To view USDA inspection photos of Susan Franz’s kennel, please click here .
- Tiffany Harvey, Ace Deuce Ranch, Avery, Texas. Fined $550 for selling puppy without proper health record; offers to ship puppies online via puppyfind.com but does not appear to have the required USDA license.
- Vicky and Frank Hines, Hines Hill Terriers, Quanah, Texas. AKC breeders fined $5050 by state for breeding without a license; some breeding mothers with new puppies were confined to tiny plastic crates.
- Linda Lynch, Lynch Family Farm, Portland, Texas. Unlicensed breeder found with dogs in tiny cages, piled up in hoarder like conditions.
2016 Horrible Hundred Breeders
- Melva Langford, Broken Spoke Kennels, Whitewright, Texas (repeat offender). Dead greyhound found in kennel during inspection; others appeared “extremely thin.” To view USDA inspection photos of Broken Spoke Kennels, click here.
- Larry Dale Rummel, STP Kennel, LaRue, Texas. Cruelty complaint filed after emaciated dogs found; fined $4,375 by the state.
- Grace and Robert Smith, Huckleberry Hollow Kennel, Pilot Point, Texas. Underweight dog had ribs showing; repeat issues with inadequate veterinary care.
2015 Horrible Hundred Breeders
- Susan Franz, Belton, Texas. (Repeat offender) “Overwhelming smell,” violations found at last eight USDA inspections. To view USDA inspection photos of Susan Franz’s kennel, please click here .
2014 Horrible Hundred Breeders
- Ashley Anderson, Celebrity Puppy Boutique, aka Boutique Teacup Puppies, San Antonio/ Spring Ranch, Texas . “Has moved across several states, while changing name each time.” Also has imported puppies with numerous complaints. After the Mississippi Attorney General’s Office received complaints about Anderson’s puppy and kitten sales, according to public records, Anderson signed an April 2013 settlement agreement that acknowledged, “the Attorney General has reason to believe that Anderson made false, deceptive and misleading representations and engaged in conduct in violation of the Mississippi Consumer Protection Act” related to sick puppies she allegedly sold to consumers.
- Susan Franz, Belton, Texas. (Repeat Offender) “Dogs’ feces were crawling with live worms; violations cited at last five USDA inspections” To view USDA inspection photos of Susan Franz’s kennel, please click here .
2013 Horrible Hundred Breeders
- Melva Langford– Whitewright, Texas. (Repeat Offender) Dogs smeared with feces. To view USDA inspection photos of Broken Spoke Kennels, click here.
- Pam Sims/Pam’s Cockers and Schnauzers–Winnsboro, Texas. USDA revoked her license but she was still selling online at the time of the HSUS report.
Keep in mind, that each year the Humane Society of the United States compiles the list of the worst puppy mills in the entire country based on thousands of inspection reports they read through. So, since 2013, Texas has had 15 of the worst dog breeders in the entire country. With countless pet stores in Texas selling puppies from puppy mills, we are working hard to educate the public about the plight of the parent dogs.
One pet store, in particular, is Partners Pet Center, located in Round Rock Texas. Partners has been buying puppies from Susan Franz and selling them to the public for years. Franz, as you can see above, has been on the Horrible Hundred list 3 times since 2013. While Partners is aware of this, they deny any link to selling puppies from puppy mills.

To view more of this HSUS undercover report, click here: http://www.humanesociety.org/news/press_releases/2013/11/Texas-pet-store-flea-market-undercover-investigation-111213.html?referrer=https://www.google.com/
Since June of 2016, Bailing Out Benji has had an active volunteer team in the Austin area. These wonderful advocates are working tirelessly to educate about the pet store/puppy mill connection, while pursuing local retail bans in their area. If you want to get involved, please contact our team. It takes all of us to put an end to this cruel puppy mill industry!

To print flyers like these to hang up in your own community, click here. https://bailingoutbenji.com/puppy-mill-maps/#Texas