You may or may not have seen our recent article connecting Nebraska pet stores to puppy mills from all over the Midwest. This research was all obtained by our research team. Below is an extension of that, to better explain where some of these puppies are coming from, and how they are being transported. All information is ©Bailing Out Benji and can be shared when quoted accurately.
Pets R Us and Tully’s use Minnesota Dog Broker
Written by our Bailing Out Benji – Nebraska Team Leader, Dana.
At the Puppy Mill Free Nebraska protest in April, we were told over and over by a Pets R Us Manager that they only sourced their puppies from small, reputable breeders that delivered the puppies to their front door in a car. It was even quoted in an article written by the news station that showed up to cover our protest.
Much like we did that day, we are calling them on their lies… Again.
In 2017 alone, Pets R Us had 25 puppies delivered to them by Patrick Fulton, Dog Broker- not to mention countless others from puppy mills across the Midwest. It turns out, neither store is that picky with where their dogs are coming from.
By “delivered by truck” we mean crammed in the back of a semi, to be driven around for hours or days until they reach their destination. Photo is from a broker transporting to a NY pet store.
A dog broker is someone who buys puppies, either individually or entire litters, and then resells them at a marked up price. For example, a broker will buy a puppy from a breeder for a low amount (such as $25 or $50 ) and then resells them to a pet store for a slightly higher amount (and transport fee). Then the pet store, in turn, charges hundreds to thousands of dollars per puppy. To put this in perspective, one dog brokerage company sold 85,000 puppies to pet stores in one year alone. This process can make it difficult to find out where the puppy actually originated from. The CVIs will show that the puppies came from the broker, instead of the actual breeder.
Tullys Kennels also regularly purchases from Fulton Enterprises. So far in 2017 – OVER 90 puppies have been delivered by truck from Fulton Enterprises. On top of all of the other puppy mills that Tully’s buys from.
Fulton’s other clients include: Petland, as well as pet stores located in Michigan, Connecticut, New York, Virginia, Washington & obviously NEBRASKA.

Patrick Fulton purchased Toenges Enterprises, where he had been a kennel manager for years. Fulton changed the business name to Fulton Enterprises and received a new USDA license in March of 2010. By May of 2010 he was racking up citations for transporting underage puppies, and in August of 2010 he was again cited transporting and selling underage puppies and for inadequate primary enclosures – Eight pens containing two weaned puppies each and one pen containing one weaned puppy did not provide the minimum amount of required floor space. Fulton is now one of the largest dog brokers in Minnesota. With the USDA recently taking down all of their reports, it is nearly impossible to view recent inspections.
Note that the CVI reports shown – have matching dates of Certificate Issue and Delivered by TRUCK.
A sweet little gray haired lady did not deliver them to the front door in her Volvo.
Giddy announcements are made on Facebook that “Teddy Bears & Cockaliers” were arriving on March 30, 2017. Likely the same dogs that were transported in a semi that are listed in the CVI above.
And here is another CVI showing more dogs coming into Nebraska from Fulton Enterprise. Again, they were transported by truck, or rather, in the back of a semi alongside countless other puppies headed to pet stores across the midwest.
So… In short… A reputable breeder would NEVER sell their puppies to a pet store, nor would they load them up on on a semi-truck to be delivered cross country. #DontBuyTheLies #AdoptDontShop and always remember: